Stone of Tears Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Stone of Tears Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do some of the boys feel about following a woman?
(a) They are indifferent.
(b) They are excited about that.
(c) They do not want to have a woman for a leader.
(d) They want to imprison her.

2. What does Richard call himself when he enters the Palace of the Prophets?
(a) The savior of the Old World.
(b) The Enlightened one.
(c) The bringer of light.
(d) The bringer of death.

3. What does Kahlan want the men to do after they strip naked?
(a) Bath themselves in white.
(b) Paint their bodies.
(c) Coat themselves with brown mud.
(d) Put on new uniforms.

4. What will the orb make Richard feel like?
(a) Confused.
(b) He is dying.
(c) Invincible.
(d) Badly since he will feel all the pain of the world.

5. Why does Kahlan ask the Galen soldiers for a sword?
(a) So she can protect herself when they are gone.
(b) So she can kill the prisoner.
(c) She doesn't ask for a sword.
(d) So she can lead the fight.

6. Who kills himself unknowingly when trying to harm Kahlan?
(a) Prindin.
(b) Tossidin.
(c) Slagle.
(d) Chandalen.

7. How does Verna feel about Richard's actions in the village?
(a) Outraged.
(b) Supportive.
(c) Happy.
(d) Puzzled.

8. What is Zedd outraged?
(a) That Richard is taken by the sisters of the light.
(b) That the Wizard's fortress has been breached.
(c) That Kahlan does not recognize him.
(d) That Addie does not recognize him.

9. When can Richard take off his collar?
(a) When Zedd gets there to do so.
(b) When Pasha decides he is ready.
(c) After he accepts the fact that he is a wizard.
(d) When the Prelate says he is ready.

10. What does Richard know as he watches Imperial troops march into Aydindril?
(a) That they are not as bad as he had thought.
(b) That they will be looking for him soon.
(c) That the dreamwalker is with them.
(d) That the sisters of the dark are helping them.

11. Where is the driver taking Zedd and Addie?
(a) The DeHaran palace.
(b) The Palace of the Prophets.
(c) The Desert of Perdition.
(d) Aydindril.

12. What does the Imperial Order Wizard say he will do when they are successful?
(a) He will leave the Midlands.
(b) He will bleed out his magic.
(c) He will cross the barrier.
(d) He will kill himself.

13. What disturbing news does Richard learn about the palace?
(a) That time is manipulated.
(b) That the Palace will hold a wizard indefinitely by its natural defenses.
(c) That the Palace is destined to self destruct soon.
(d) That the sisters of the dark are pervasive there.

14. On whose necklace does Richard remember seeing a tear-shaped stone?
(a) Kahlen.
(b) Cara.
(c) Rachel.
(d) Pasha.

15. Who does Kahlan hear calling to her?
(a) Addie.
(b) Richard.
(c) Zedd.
(d) Chandalen.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Richard told he must kill the human sacrifice in the first village he and Verna encounters after the Valley of the Lost?

2. What are Zedd and Addie told?

3. What does Kahlan do when the Imperial Army do when the Imperial Army tries to capture her?

4. What does Gratch tell Richard?

5. Why are the sisters at the Palace of the Prophets surprised?

(see the answer keys)

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