The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Leamas and Fiedler are attacked, where are they?
(a) On the grounds of a country house.
(b) In Russia.
(c) About to board a plane to safety in America.
(d) In an East German prison.

2. Who does Fiedler believe to be the special agent?
(a) Peters.
(b) Leamas.
(c) Liz.
(d) Mundt.

3. Why did Mundt beat Fiedler during his interrogation?
(a) Because Fiedler got Mundt fired a long time ago.
(b) Because Fiedler refused to talk.
(c) Because Fiedler stole Mundt's girlfriend.
(d) Because Fiedler is Jewish.

4. During Mundt's trial, what does Fiedler bring Leamas to the stand to explain?
(a) The reason why Liz was the person behind the entire mission.
(b) The function of several secret gadgets Fiedler found on Mundt.
(c) The banking procedures behind Rolling Stone.
(d) The secret codes needed to get into British intelligence buildings.

5. The last thing Leamas remembers about his first interrogation with Mundt is:
(a) Being fed food that was probably poisoned.
(b) Being taken to a library.
(c) Passing out from his head injury.
(d) Being chained to a wall.

6. What does Karden call for to refute Leamas' claims?
(a) A special jury to look into Leamas' allegations.
(b) For Leamas to be tortured so he'll talk on the stand.
(c) A secret witness.
(d) Karden calls Fiedler to the stand, who has been recording Leamas all along.

7. What does Leamas first do when he realizes he is going to be attacked after being out with Fiedler?
(a) He starts speaking Italian so they won't think he's a spy.
(b) He runs.
(c) He hides in the dark and waits for them to attack.
(d) He puts his hands up.

8. Who does Liz meet at a Communist Party meeting?
(a) Miss Crail.
(b) Leamas.
(c) Peters.
(d) Ashe.

9. During the trial, who does Fiedler accuse of murdering Karl Riemeck?
(a) Mundt.
(b) Liz.
(c) Leamas.
(d) Peters.

10. Who first arrives to rescue Liz after she has testified at Mundt's trial?
(a) Leamas.
(b) Fiedler.
(c) Peters.
(d) Mundt.

11. When Mundt is first interrogating Leamas, Mundt is very interested in Leamas' meetings with whom?
(a) George Smiley.
(b) Miss Crail.
(c) Communists in London.
(d) Liz Gold.

12. During Mundt's trial, what is Fiedler arguing Mundt did?
(a) Became a secret British agent.
(b) Sold plans for making a bomb to the Americans.
(c) Lied about believing Communism to be the best form of government.
(d) Sold guns to the Russians.

13. What has happened to Leamas between when he was knocked out and when he wakes up?
(a) He's been taken to a hospital.
(b) He's been smuggled out of the country.
(c) He's been placed in handcuffs.
(d) His hands and legs have been bound.

14. As Liz and Leamas are fleeing East Germany, Leamas explains what happened to Liz. What does he say his real mission was?
(a) To save Fiedler.
(b) To get information on East German secret gadgets.
(c) To save Mundt.
(d) To save Liz.

15. Who climbs up the border wall first?
(a) Mundt.
(b) Leamas.
(c) Liz.
(d) Peters.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the judge in Mundt's trial decide about the case?

2. What does Mundt's representative argue during the trial?

3. What happens to Leamas when he is on top of the border wall?

4. After Liz's testimony at Mundt's trial, what does Leamas do?

5. What was the evidence Fiedler used to support the warrant?

(see the answer keys)

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