The Adventure of the Speckled Band Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventure of the Speckled Band Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Holmes plan to go to research for this case?
(a) The morgue.
(b) The University.
(c) A library.
(d) The Doctors Commons.

2. What is the name of the young lady?
(a) Helene Steiner.
(b) Helen Stoner.
(c) Harriet Stoker.
(d) Heather Stickler.

3. What does Holmes ask for just after the big man leaves?
(a) Some tea.
(b) A map of the country.
(c) Breakfast.
(d) His walking shoes.

4. What is the name of the young lady's step-father's estate?
(a) Stoke Moran.
(b) Strike Mount.
(c) Sting Harvey.
(d) Stone Haven.

5. How does Watson describe the countryside as he and Holmes travel through it?
(a) Soggy.
(b) Lovely.
(c) Dreary.
(d) Muddy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What time does Holmes return from his researching?

2. What does Holmes do while the big man is insulting him?

3. What did the young lady say caused her step-father's violent anger?

4. What did Helen hear when she left her room on the night her sister died?

5. What does Helen have to do before she can return to the house?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Holmes ask of Watson after Helen leaves, and how does Watson respond?

2. What happened to the Roylott fortune?

3. What does Watson say is his keenest pleasure in life?

4. When does the young lady say she will be able to pay Holmes, and why?

5. What effect did Dr, Roylott's outburst have on Holmes?

6. What caused Helen to come to Sherlock Holmes on that day?

7. What does Holmes notice on Helen's wrist, and what is said after this discovery?

8. How is the narrator wakened at the beginning of this story?

9. What kept Helen awake on the night her twin sister died?

10. Aside from the money and the estate, what was the other legacy handed down to the Roylott men?

(see the answer keys)

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