The Adventure of the Speckled Band Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventure of the Speckled Band Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Helen hear when she left her room on the night her sister died?
(a) Metallic clanging.
(b) Creaking wood.
(c) Sobbing.
(d) Maniacal laughter.

2. How does the visitor describe Holmes's ability to know so much about her without her saying anything?
(a) Plain clues.
(b) Acute observance.
(c) Really good guesses.
(d) Psychic abilities.

3. How does Watson describe the countryside as he and Holmes travel through it?
(a) Soggy.
(b) Dreary.
(c) Lovely.
(d) Muddy.

4. Where does Holmes see bruises on Helen?
(a) Her fingers.
(b) Her face.
(c) Her ankles.
(d) Her wrists.

5. Why was the Chimney not a valid entrance into Julia's room?
(a) There was a great fire burning.
(b) The flu was shut.
(c) It had been filled in.
(d) It was barred.

6. What color is the strange visitor wearing at the beginning of the book?
(a) White.
(b) Black.
(c) Blue.
(d) Red.

7. What wakes the narrator up at the beginning of this book?
(a) The sound of breaking glass.
(b) The chiming of the clock.
(c) A knock at the door.
(d) Holmes standing over his bed.

8. During what month does this book begin?
(a) April.
(b) February.
(c) June.
(d) August.

9. What time does Holmes return from his researching?
(a) 2:00 pm.
(b) 1:00 pm.
(c) Noon.
(d) 11:00 am.

10. Where does Holmes plan to meet with Helen?
(a) In a hotel.
(b) In the town.
(c) At the train station.
(d) At the house.

11. What caused the narrator to decide to write about the case after so long?
(a) The woman he made the promise to had died.
(b) His wife asked him to.
(c) People are doubting Holmes's abilities.
(d) He has more time on his hands.

12. Why did the twins always keep their windows tightly locked?
(a) To keep their step-father out.
(b) To keep the animals out.
(c) To keep the wind out.
(d) To feel safer on the ground floor.

13. How soon before her wedding did the twin sister die?
(a) 4 weeks.
(b) 2 weeks.
(c) 1 week.
(d) 3 weeks.

14. What did Dr. Roylott use in an effort to revive Julia?
(a) Brandy.
(b) Smelling salts.
(c) Mint tea.
(d) Cold water.

15. What does Holmes say Julia must have done just before she ran into the hall?
(a) Lit a match to see something.
(b) Opened her window.
(c) Drank some alcohol.
(d) Took off her clothes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the case about of the woman who referred the visitor to Holmes?

2. How did the neighbors feel when the young lady's step-father returned to his estate?

3. What is the name of the young lady's twin sister?

4. What does Watson say Holmes is doing while he covers his face on the trip to the house?

5. What does Holmes say is the most important fact of Helen's description of Julia?

(see the answer keys)

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