Sourcery Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Sourcery Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the Patrician respond to Carding's words of the future of the city?
(a) He breaks down and cries.
(b) He is relieved.
(c) He is angered and astonished.
(d) He is happy.

2. What decision does Rincewind make about the hat after it is taken from the ship?
(a) He will find out where it is and then leave it there.
(b) He will take it back from the captain.
(c) He will seek it out and protect it.
(d) He will let it go.

3. What is Conina doing with Rincewind when we first meet them on the ship?
(a) They are playing cards.
(b) She is telling him jokes.
(c) She is cutting his hair.
(d) They are eating lunch.

4. What does Hakardly rise up against?
(a) Using the magnificent hat.
(b) The new Great Hall.
(c) Coin's use of the staff.
(d) Naming Coin as Archchancellor.

5. What does Coin want all wizards to gather for?
(a) To learn who they are and where they live.
(b) To make plans to take over the world.
(c) A ceremony for naming him Archchancellor.
(d) To share magic.

6. What happens to the gargoyles?
(a) They are broken by flying stones.
(b) They are pushed off of the roof.
(c) They fall off of the roof.
(d) They climb off of the roof.

7. How old is the sourcerer when he arrives at the University?
(a) About 15.
(b) About 30.
(c) About 10.
(d) About 100.

8. What does Conina see in the water?
(a) An ocean liner.
(b) Sharks.
(c) Five canoes filled with men.
(d) A pirate ship.

9. Why does Rincewind put on the hat while on the ship?
(a) He wants to ask it a question.
(b) It wants to make him more powerful.
(c) It wants to use his eyes.
(d) He wants to check out its power.

10. What does Rincewind suggest that he and Conina do to beat the attackers?
(a) Let the crew fight.
(b) Jump overboard.
(c) Use the Luggage.
(d) Use his magic.

11. What city do Rincewind and Conina arrive in after leaving the ship?
(a) Casablanca.
(b) Al Khali.
(c) Istanbul.
(d) Ankh-Morpork.

12. What happens to the hat after the Archchancellor is killed?
(a) It is given to Coin.
(b) It is burnt in Wayzygoose's room.
(c) It is stolen.
(d) It is lost.

13. As Spring came who was being "elected" at Unseen University?
(a) The High Wizard.
(b) The President.
(c) The Dean.
(d) The Archchancellor.

14. Which son becomes the sourcerer?
(a) The eighth son squared.
(b) The eighth son of the eighth son.
(c) The eighth son of the second wizard.
(d) The eighth son of the second son.

15. How does Wuffles respond to Coin?
(a) He cowers away from him.
(b) He bites him.
(c) He groals a deep gutteral growl.
(d) He licks him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Death say that the future contains?

2. What type of bird is circling the Tower of Art?

3. What kind of a ruler is the city's Patrician?

4. What does Spelter tell the Librarian the first time he visits him after Coin arrives?

5. What is brought back to the University that had been latent for some time?

(see the answer keys)

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