The Sound and the Fury Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sound and the Fury Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Jason employed?
(a) A gas station
(b) The town bank
(c) A construction site
(d) A local store

2. What does the banker do when he finds out Caddy's child is not his?
(a) Adopts the child
(b) Agrees never to say anything
(c) Divorces her
(d) Shoots her

3. What does Benji spend most of his time watching?
(a) Television
(b) The washing machine
(c) The golf course
(d) School girls

4. What has Luster lost at the beginning of the first chapter?
(a) His pants
(b) His watch
(c) A quarter
(d) His shoe

5. Why does Benjy cry in the carriage?
(a) The road is bumpy.
(b) He is wants to pee.
(c) He has lost his shoe.
(d) Luster is driving the wrong way.

6. Who does Luster give the golf ball to?
(a) Benjy
(b) Quentin
(c) The golfer
(d) Dilsey

7. Who does Roskus carry back to the house on his back?
(a) Caddy
(b) Quentin
(c) Jason
(d) Benjy

8. How does Caddy make Benjy cry?
(a) She hits him.
(b) She puts his head under the water.
(c) She says she is running away.
(d) She calls him names.

9. Who did Quentin have a fight with in a barn?
(a) Jason
(b) Roskus
(c) TP
(d) Benjy

10. Who does Roskus say is a sign of bad luck?
(a) Benjy
(b) Quentin
(c) Jason
(d) Caddy

11. Why does Caroline change Benjamin's name?
(a) She thinks it sounds better.
(b) She changes his name hide his real identity.
(c) She thinks it will cure him.
(d) The children tease him.

12. Why does Dilsey place a piece of wood between Luster and Benjy at night?
(a) So Luster can hit him.
(b) So they do not roll into each other.
(c) So they do not fall through the centre of the bed.
(d) So Benji will not hurt Luster.

13. What does Luster offer to sell the golfer?
(a) Benjy
(b) A brownie
(c) A golf ball
(d) A golf club

14. What does Caddy tell Benjy she will never do?
(a) Leave him
(b) Tease him
(c) Love him
(d) Beat him

15. Where does Dilsey tell Luster to take Benjy?
(a) The church
(b) School
(c) The supermarket
(d) The library

Short Answer Questions

1. What color tie is Quentin's companion wearing?

2. How many children do Jason and Caroline Compson have?

3. How does Benjy sense that something has changed about Caddy?

4. In what American state does Faulkner set the novel?

5. What does Maury do for a living?

(see the answer keys)

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