Sophie's Choice Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 183 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sophie's Choice Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 183 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Farrell handle a life he hates?
(a) he plays poker
(b) he drinks
(c) he takes drugs
(d) he runs marathons

2. How does Stingo feel when Nathan asks to read his writing?
(a) he's angry
(b) he's terrified
(c) he's flattered
(d) he's excited

3. What does Stingo's father suggest to him?
(a) he comes home
(b) he use it for writing
(c) he sells it
(d) he gets another job

4. When did the Nazi soldiers enter Cracow?
(a) Winter of 1940
(b) September, 1939
(c) May, 1939
(d) Spring of 1940

5. Where is Sophie working in 1947, in America?
(a) in a bank
(b) in a five and ten store
(c) in a chiropractic office
(d) in a drug store

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Morris see the morning Stingo goes with them for a day out?

2. From where had Sophie been released right before she met Nathan?

3. What kind of house is Stingo expecting Leslie's to be?

4. To what later comedian does the older narrator compare Nathan?

5. With whom does Stingo have a date and how did he meet her?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Farrell feel about Stingo and what does he say to Stingo about his job and his life?

2. What is Leslie's house and her parents like, according to Stingo and how do they differ than what he pictured?

3. Why did the conversation with Nathan's friends on Coney Island fascinate Stingo?

4. What does he do about not knowing anyone in New York, being a young man interested in women? How is that stopped?

5. Describe Stingo's feelings about his job and where he moved from to New York.

6. Describe Nathan's and Sophies argument before Stingo, Sophie and Nathan went to Coney Island.

7. Describe some of Stingo's thoughts about Nathan as they relax in the bar in Chapter 8.

8. Describe what Sophie says about her early days in Poland.

9. What happened the day the day the Nazis came to the university? How did Sophie know?

10. What happens between Stingo and Sophie after she and Nathan fight?

(see the answer keys)

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