Sophie's Choice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Sophie's Choice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 183 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where are Leslie's parents going the night Stingo meets them?
(a) to dinner with a friend
(b) out of the house for the weekend
(c) to Europe for the summer
(d) no where

2. Stingo receives a letter from his dad who tells him of what inheritance?
(a) a million dollars
(b) a car
(c) a small farm
(d) a boat

3. Where did Sophie see Hoss's picture one day?
(a) on the internet
(b) in the newspaper
(c) on a wanted poster
(d) in a magazine

4. Where is Stingo originally from?
(a) southern United States
(b) the midwest
(c) Texas
(d) Arizona

5. Where were Sophie's father and husband taken?
(a) to Warsaw
(b) to Russia
(c) to Berlin
(d) to Sachsenhausen

6. Why is Nathan and Sophie's friendship so important to Stingo?
(a) he'd been starved for so long of any company at all
(b) he never had friends
(c) he idolized them
(d) he wanted to be their best man

7. Why is Madame Bovary Nathan's favorite book?
(a) his brother wrote the book
(b) he likes the author
(c) because of its suicide motif
(d) he likes the character, Madame Bovary

8. Where do Stingo, Nathan and Sophie hang out to escape the summer heat?
(a) an air-conditioned cocktail lounge called the Maple Court
(b) in the basement of the boarding house
(c) in the park under the trees
(d) Nathan's brother's house

9. How does Stingo feel about Sophie after he meets her?
(a) he feels like he's in love with her
(b) he decides he doesn't like her that much
(c) he feels guilty thinking about sleeping with her
(d) he thinks she's dumb

10. Why does Stingo think Leslie is going to have sex with him on their date?
(a) her strongly suggestive conversation
(b) she has told him she will
(c) Sophie has told him she will
(d) Nathan told him she will

11. How did Stingo's Jewish friends seem to him as a child?
(a) perfectly normal
(b) very smart
(c) unfriendly
(d) strange

12. Why does Stingo keep checking his watch when he and Sophie are talking?
(a) he has to be at work
(b) he wants to get out before Nathan gets home
(c) he thinks it's not working
(d) his mind is on his hot date that night

13. Why is Yetta yelling at Moishe Muskatblit?
(a) he tracked mud into the hall
(b) he has a girlfriend
(c) he hasn't paid his rent
(d) he didn't fix the kitchen sink

14. What happened to Stingo's old girl friend, back home?
(a) she was murdered
(b) she just died, by suicide
(c) she died in childbirth
(d) she passed away from cancer

15. How does Stingo respond to Nathan's racism debate?
(a) by saying no people should be condemned as a group
(b) by saying he was prejudiced against men who abused women
(c) by telling Nathan he didn't know what he was talking about
(d) by saying it wasn't his fault his parents lived in the south

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of house is Stingo expecting Leslie's to be?

2. How does Stingo attempt to calm the situation with Nathan's anger?

3. Why does Stingo describe Höss' background?

4. What happened on the subway that made Sophie think about suicide?

5. How does Stingo respond to the Weasel's request?

(see the answer keys)

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