Sophie's Choice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Sophie's Choice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 183 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Theodore Gilmore Bilbo?
(a) the governor of Virginia
(b) a doctor Sophie is seeing
(c) a friend of Nathan's
(d) Bilbo is a racist and a petty tyrant

2. About what does Nathan give Stingo a hard time?
(a) being from the south
(b) being short
(c) trying to be a writer
(d) being in love with Sophie

3. Why is Madame Bovary Nathan's favorite book?
(a) he likes the character, Madame Bovary
(b) he likes the author
(c) because of its suicide motif
(d) his brother wrote the book

4. How does Stingo feel when Nathan asks to read his writing?
(a) he's flattered
(b) he's angry
(c) he's excited
(d) he's terrified

5. How does Stingo attempt to calm the situation with Nathan's anger?
(a) by putting a drug in his wine
(b) by proposing a toast to Nathan
(c) by flattering him
(d) by threatening him

6. In Chapter 3, Stingo does not yet know Sophie or Nathan well, but they wake him in the morning and ask him what?
(a) to join them on an outing to Coney Island
(b) if he was a Jew
(c) if he knew how to speak German
(d) if their noise disturbed him

7. Why is Stingo waiting at the bar the night Sophie dresses in revealing clothes?
(a) they expect Nathan to join them
(b) Stingo has an appointment with an agent
(c) Sophie's trying to get a job
(d) they are waiting for Stingo's father

8. What does Stingo sense between Nathan and Sophie?
(a) deep, abiding love
(b) the continual tension
(c) a sense of happiness
(d) hatred and anger

9. After the sounds in question # 19 stop, what does Stingo hear?
(a) a man's dominant yells, and feminine, submissive murmurs
(b) banging on his door
(c) screaming of kids outside
(d) a dog barking constantly

10. Where did Stingo obtain employment when he moved to New York?
(a) wall street
(b) New York circuit court
(c) Manhattan Bank
(d) the publishing firm of McGraw-Hill

11. Where is Stingo originally from?
(a) the midwest
(b) Texas
(c) Arizona
(d) southern United States

12. Why did Sophie get a better job, at first, at the camp?
(a) because she was beautiful
(b) due to her knowledge of both Russian and German
(c) because she had two children
(d) because she looked German

13. What happened to Sophie's father and husband?
(a) they escaped and went to America
(b) they were held prisoner for the entire war
(c) they toiled in a munitions factory
(d) they were gunned down

14. How does Stingo end up on his hot date with Leslie?
(a) in bed with Leslie for the weekend
(b) sound asleep on the couch
(c) in bed with Sophie
(d) in jail for attempted rape

15. What did Stingo receive from his dad after he lost his job?
(a) 1000 dollars
(b) 50 dollars
(c) 100 dollars
(d) 5oo dollars

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Sophie and Nathan dress after their fight?

2. In what shape was Sophie when the prison was liberated?

3. Why was his picture there, the answer to question#71?

4. Where did her parents work?

5. What color is the Yetta Zimmerman's boarding house?

(see the answer keys)

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