Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Jeanette mentions that everyone liked her father, she says he had been quiet, but what?

2. For what reason does Claire decide not to try to take her son out of the Nurturing Center during her second visit?

3. What assignments are announced during the Twelves's part of the Ceremony?

4. What happens when Claire visits the Nurturing Center for the last time and reaches for her son as he is playing on the floor?

5. Claire and Sophia cannot go into the room housing the youngest Newchildren because what condition is not met?

Short Essay Questions

1. What reason does Sophia provide for parental units wanting to receive their assigned children once they are a little older, rather than when they are infants?

2. For what reason are the Nurturers considering keeping Claire's son at the center for another year before assigning him to a parental unit?

3. When Claire declares that she hates her life, what aspects of her life does she say she despises?

4. What sets the birth of Claire's Product apart from those of the other Birthmothers in her dormitory?

5. What reason does the narrator give for all of the Fish Hatchery workers being fond of the director, Dimitri?

6. From what building does Claire avert her eyes on her walk from the Birthmother Dormitory to the Fish Hatchery, and why?

7. What are the elements of Claire's plan to find Sophia, her acquaintance who has a job at the Nurturing Center where Claire's son is being held, and how does it work out?

8. How is the event of Claire's first encounter with her son portrayed by the author?

9. What is the consequence of Claire's Task being different from those of the other Birthmothers?

10. What does one of the Vessels report it had felt like to cease taking the pills when she had been assigned the role of Birthmother?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Analyze Claire's decision to allow Einar to train her for her climb up the rock face and for her coming encounter with Trademaster. Assess the effectiveness of his training and the effectiveness of her application of that training in the fulfillment of her goals.

Essay Topic 2

Like many other bildungsroman books and movies, Lois Lowry's novel Son presents the loss of innocence as a theme. Trace Claire's loss of innocence over the course of the novel's narrative. What is the author's purpose for depicting Claire's, as well as other characters', loss of innocence throughout the novel?

Essay Topic 3

Analyze the author's message regarding perseverance within the novel Son.

(see the answer keys)

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