Son Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Son Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the true cause of Claire's memory being triggered when she is making soup in the kitchen with Alys?
(a) Alys's comment that the loss of another baby would break Bryn's heart.
(b) Alys's mention of the name Gabe.
(c) Old Benedikt's comment that a woman's value lies in the number of children she bears.
(d) Old Benedikt's mention of the name Gabe.

2. For how long had Einar trained his body before his climb out of the village?
(a) Years.
(b) Weeks.
(c) Days.
(d) Months.

3. What color does Claire love for its playfulness?
(a) Yellow.
(b) Pink.
(c) Red.
(d) Orange.

4. What object does Claire use for her stair-stepping exercises?
(a) A rock.
(b) A log.
(c) A stump.
(d) Alys's porch.

5. In reality, who carries Claire from the water into the village?
(a) Alys.
(b) Einar.
(c) Tall Andras.
(d) Old Benedikt.

6. Einar tells Claire that he thinks it may be better to climb out in search of something rather than for what other reason?
(a) Leaving out of boredom.
(b) Leaving out of desperation.
(c) Loving what one is leaving.
(d) Hating what one is leaving.

7. With whom had Einar lived during his early childhood before going to live with his father?
(a) Monks.
(b) Healers.
(c) Elders.
(d) Village women.

8. What reason had Einar's father given him for taking Einar back into his own home?
(a) He had processed his grief over Einar's mother.
(b) He had moved into a larger home.
(c) The time had come for Einar to pay for what he had done.
(d) He had gotten a promotion at work.

9. Who had kept Einar's father from flinging his infant body into the fire on the day of Einar's birth?
(a) Tall Andras.
(b) Alys.
(c) Bryn.
(d) Old Benedikt.

10. What does Einar mean when he tells Claire that he had been a wife to his father "in other ways too terrible to mention"? (206).
(a) He had cleaned the house for his father.
(b) He had cooked for his father.
(c) He had arranged social activities for his father.
(d) His father had sexually abused him.

11. Alys and Old Benedikt tell Tall Andras that Claire cannot be wed until what condition is met?
(a) He proves to be a good provider.
(b) Claire's parents are located.
(c) The leader of the village gives his consent.
(d) Claire has regained her memory.

12. What item does Alys remove from the bottom of her trunk so that Claire may smell its scent?
(a) A bouquet of beach roses.
(b) A bouquet of sunflowers.
(c) A bouquet of dandelions.
(d) A bouquet of chrysanthemums.

13. What pieces of clothing does Alys stitch from an animal hide so that Claire can keep warm in the winter?
(a) Gloves and boots.
(b) A hat and gloves.
(c) A vest and boots.
(d) A jacket and scarf.

14. With what malady has Tall Andras's mother been plagued for months by the time he creates the mommet?
(a) Fever.
(b) Pneumonia.
(c) Heart disease.
(d) Diabetes.

15. What color are Claire's eyes?
(a) Hazel.
(b) Brown.
(c) Green.
(d) Blue.

Short Answer Questions

1. What name is given to Claire upon her arrival in the village?

2. What object does Claire tell Einar she will throw from the top of the cliff to let him know she has succeeded?

3. To whose house do the villagers take Claire when they have pulled her from the water?

4. Bethan suggests that the three girls should stop including a baby in their pretending games due to what reason?

5. One village legend says that when Tall Andras had come upon Claire, he had uttered what one word aloud?

(see the answer keys)

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