Sometimes a Great Notion Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sometimes a Great Notion Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Hank go after his visit to the hospital?
(a) The Snag
(b) Home
(c) The shack
(d) The townhall

2. Who does Henry banter with in the bar?
(a) Indian Jenny
(b) Teddy
(c) Joe-Ben
(d) Hank

3. What happens when Hank tries to talk to Henry?
(a) He ignores him
(b) He falls asleep
(c) He cries
(d) He laughs

4. What does Jenny want the shells to form?
(a) A witch
(b) A child
(c) A man
(d) A rabbit

5. What does Simone put in the back of her closet?
(a) A bottle of scotch
(b) Her new dress
(c) Family photos
(d) The Virgin Mary

6. How does Joe-Ben drown?
(a) He talks
(b) He screams
(c) He cries
(d) He laughs

7. What tries to attack Draeger and Evenwrite?
(a) Hank
(b) A bear
(c) Dogs
(d) Bob cats

8. What is the name of the boy Hank has a fight with at school?
(a) Biggy
(b) Tommy
(c) Tupac
(d) Jackson

9. What is Viv massaging into Lee's back?
(a) Olive oil
(b) Vinegar
(c) Liniment
(d) Sun cream

10. What does Willard tell Hank he is planning to do?
(a) Kill himself
(b) organize a picket
(c) Leave town
(d) Kill Hank

11. Into what does the musician dunk his hands?
(a) Hot fat
(b) A piranha tank
(c) Boiling water
(d) A river of alligators

12. How does Willard kill himself?
(a) He shoots himself
(b) He eats poison
(c) He drowns himself
(d) He drives off an embankment

13. What does Lee receive from the nurse?
(a) Prozac
(b) Pencillin
(c) Steroids
(d) Cough syrup

14. What does Hank limit at the Snag?
(a) Talk about a strike
(b) Conversation
(c) His drug intake
(d) His drinking intake

15. What is Henry going to show Hank how to do?
(a) Talk to women
(b) Cut trees
(c) Shoot
(d) Fish

Short Answer Questions

1. Simone get a gift of __________.

2. What does the fight end for Tommy?

3. What does Lee read in the hotel?

4. What is the weather like on the night Hank and Newton fight?

5. Why does Lee go into town with Henry?

(see the answer keys)

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