Sometimes a Great Notion Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sometimes a Great Notion Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Lee smoking?
(a) Banana skins
(b) Opuim
(c) Tobbacco
(d) Marijuana

2. What is the name of the strange animal?
(a) The frog carp
(b) The shaggy carpet
(c) The hide behind
(d) The push me poke me

3. In what country does Hank serve?
(a) Germany
(b) Japan
(c) Vietnam
(d) Korea

4. What special day is it?
(a) Halloween
(b) Hank's birthday
(c) Easter
(d) Christmas

5. Evenwrite drives away on ___________.
(a) A motor cycle
(b) A boat
(c) A bus
(d) A car

6. What happens to the bobcats?
(a) They drown
(b) They runaway
(c) They eat each other
(d) They starve

7. Who is Lee's father?
(a) Joe
(b) Draeger
(c) Hank
(d) Ben

8. Who is caressing Viv's neck?
(a) Henry
(b) Joe-Bob
(c) Hank
(d) Lee

9. From what is Draeger suffering?
(a) Asthma
(b) The measles
(c) The chicken pox
(d) The flu

10. Why does the real estate man write on his house in soap?
(a) To ward off evil spirits
(b) For decoration
(c) For a joke
(d) So his house won't be soaped by Halloween spooks

11. What finger in the hand is extended?
(a) The second
(b) The thumb
(c) The middle
(d) The pinky

12. What are the townspeople meeting at the Snag to discuss?
(a) The town dance
(b) The church bells
(c) The strike
(d) A town picnic

13. Who makes curses on the Stampers?
(a) Lee
(b) Evenwrite
(c) Draeger
(d) Indian Jenny

14. Which character does Joe-Ben not like?
(a) Lee
(b) Viv
(c) Andy
(d) Les

15. Who do the characters leave alone at the shack?
(a) Lee
(b) Henry
(c) Viv
(d) Joe-Bob

Short Answer Questions

1. What depresses Jonas about Oregon?

2. Lee arranges to accompany Viv to __________.

3. What state are the Stampers from?

4. What has Hank left for them?

5. IN what state did Jonas first try to settle?

(see the answer keys)

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