Sold Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Patricia McCormick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sold Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Patricia McCormick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lakshmi's mother do as she serves her husband dinner each night in "Something Beautiful"?
(a) She walks the dog.
(b) She bathes the baby.
(c) She feeds the baby.
(d) She kneels at his feet.

2. How does Lakshmi describe the amount of money that the turnip-nosed man gives to Auntie in "Numbers"?
(a) "Nearly enough money to buy a water buffalo."
(b) "Nearly enough money to buy a Coca-Cola."
(c) "Nearly enough money to buy a car."
(d) "Nearly enough money to buy a tin roof."

3. What color does Lakshmi describe her mother's skin as in "Something Beautiful"?
(a) Nut-colored.
(b) Ivory.
(c) Cinnamon.
(d) Ebony.

4. What does the bus do when it encounters a cow sleeping in the middle of the road in "On the Bus"?
(a) It stops and waits.
(b) It runs over her.
(c) It honks.
(d) It goes around her.

5. What item has Gita's older sister gained since Gita went to work as a maid in the city?
(a) A notebook.
(b) A wedding dress.
(c) A mirror.
(d) A deed to land.

6. What is the occupation of the boy that Lakshmi is promised to marry in "Before Gita Left"?
(a) He is a goatherd.
(b) He is a tea peddler.
(c) He is a tin-smith.
(d) He is a butler.

7. What type of agriculture is grown around Lakshmi's village?
(a) Barley.
(b) Corn.
(c) Rice.
(d) Wheat.

8. What game does Lakshmi describe playing with Gita in "Before Gita Left"?
(a) "The hopping-on-one-leg game."
(b) The game of Spin the Bottle.
(c) "The American football game."
(d) "The running around the barn game."

9. How old is Lakshmi in the beginning of the novel?
(a) 15.
(b) 11.
(c) 14.
(d) 13.

10. What kind of vendor calls out to sell his wares below Lakshmi's window in "What I Don't Do"?
(a) A peanut vendor.
(b) A popcorn vendor.
(c) A roti vendor.
(d) An onion vendor.

11. Who is "the elephant god, remover of obstacles"?
(a) Vivek.
(b) Ganesh.
(c) Loki.
(d) Poseidon.

12. What color does Lakshmi describe her mother's hair as in "Something Beautiful"?
(a) "Silvery gray."
(b) "Dark auburn."
(c) "Crow-black."
(d) "Corn-yellow."

13. What is the name of Lakshmi's black-and-white speckled goat that follows her at home?
(a) Bilma.
(b) Tali.
(c) Mimi.
(d) Ama.

14. What does the name "Muthi" mean, according to the narrator in "Confession"?
(a) "Size of the sun."
(b) "Size of a mountain."
(c) "Size of a potato."
(d) "Size of a handful."

15. What item does Lakshmi describe Gita's father having purchased since Gita went to work as a maid in the city?
(a) A new pair of spectacles.
(b) A new goat.
(c) A new horse.
(d) A new pair of trousers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What name does the turnip-nosed man refer to Auntie as in "Uncle Husband"?

2. Why do the women of Lakshmi's village drink the blue-black juice from the marking tree?

3. What color dress does the woman wear that purchases Lakshmi at Bajai Sita's store in "A Trade"?

4. What is a daughter compared to in "The Difference Between a Son and a Daughter"?

5. What word from "A Trade" means favorable or conducive to success?

(see the answer keys)

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