Sold Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Patricia McCormick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sold Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Patricia McCormick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of agriculture is grown around Lakshmi's village?
(a) Corn.
(b) Rice.
(c) Wheat.
(d) Barley.

2. What does Uncle Husband give to Lakshmi after they have crossed the border in "A Reward"?
(a) A new dress.
(b) A handful of sweets.
(c) 50 rupees.
(d) 100 rupees.

3. What does the bus smell like, according to Lakshmi in "On the Bus"?
(a) "Rotting meat and garbage."
(b) "Stale bread and old shoes."
(c) "Pipe smoke and incense."
(d) "Onions and curry and cigarette smoke."

4. What does Lakshmi scrub the floors with at her hut to keep it cool and "free from evil spirits" in "The New Student"?
(a) Dung water.
(b) Ammonia.
(c) Bleach.
(d) Chlorine.

5. Why do the women of Lakshmi's village drink the blue-black juice from the marking tree?
(a) To prevent HIV.
(b) To prevent miscarriages.
(c) To prevent coughing disease.
(d) To induce miscarriages.

6. What color dress does the woman wear that purchases Lakshmi at Bajai Sita's store in "A Trade"?
(a) Yellow.
(b) Black.
(c) Blue.
(d) Red.

7. What has been purchased for Gita's little brother since she went to work as a maid in the city?
(a) A horse.
(b) A new coat.
(c) A goat.
(d) His school fees.

8. What price is ultimately agreed upon for Lakshmi in "A Trade"?
(a) 200 rupees.
(b) 800 rupees.
(c) 500 rupees.
(d) 1,000 rupess.

9. What kind of alcoholic beverage do the men of Lakshmi's village drink during the festivals?
(a) Sake.
(b) Rice beer.
(c) Plum wine.
(d) Palm wine.

10. What color is the dress that Auntie gives to Lakshmi in "New Clothes"?
(a) Green.
(b) Pink.
(c) Yellow.
(d) White.

11. Who is Lakshmi's friend who has gone to work as a maid in the city to support her family?
(a) Ama.
(b) Bimla.
(c) Gita.
(d) Nari.

12. In "Seeing a Girl with a Long Black Braid," the narrator says, "There are a thousand girls in the city. But so far, none of them is" whom?
(a) Anita.
(b) Ama.
(c) Shahanna.
(d) Gita.

13. What item has Gita's older sister gained since Gita went to work as a maid in the city?
(a) A wedding dress.
(b) A notebook.
(c) A mirror.
(d) A deed to land.

14. What is the occupation of the boy that Lakshmi is promised to marry in "Before Gita Left"?
(a) He is a goatherd.
(b) He is a butler.
(c) He is a tin-smith.
(d) He is a tea peddler.

15. What does Lakshmi describe all the houses having like the one in Gita's hut in "Train"?
(a) Tin roofs.
(b) Glass suns.
(c) White doors.
(d) Picket fences.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the bus do when it encounters a cow sleeping in the middle of the road in "On the Bus"?

2. What does Lakshmi's stepfather carry as he walks with her to Bajai Sita's store in "A Trade"?

3. In what type of vehicle do Lakshmi and Uncle Husband travel in "Crossing the Border"?

4. Through how many villages does Lakshmi say she has traveled with Auntie in the beginning of "A New World"?

5. What does Lakshmi do in order to escape the old man who attempts to rape her after she's first arrived at Happiness House?

(see the answer keys)

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