Solaris Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Solaris Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long will it take to receive a reply from Earth?
(a) months
(b) hours
(c) years
(d) days

2. What did Kelvin's thesis compare?
(a) patterns of sound in Solaris's ocean wth patters of sound of human speech
(b) formations in Solaris's ocean with patterns of electrical impulse in the human brain
(c) wave movement on the ocean of Solaris with electrical and chemical movement within the human brain
(d) electrical activity in Solaris's ocean with electrical activity of emotions in the human brain

3. What does Sartorius ask Kelvin to think about during the electroencephalogram?
(a) images from his childhood
(b) mankind's rich scientific history
(c) his innermost conflicts
(d) a wish to make the visitors disappear

4. What do Snow and Kelvin send to Earth?
(a) an electroencephalogram
(b) a ship's log
(c) a report of the events
(d) new data gathered from the ocean storm

5. What does Kelvin awake to hear in the middle of the night?
(a) inhuman screaming
(b) a constant drip he cannot find
(c) sobbing from the walls
(d) a deep cracking sound

6. What does Snow say that Sartorius is planning to cure?
(a) immortality
(b) desire
(c) mankind
(d) thought

7. What does Snow hypothesize is necessary for the visitors to survive?
(a) a constant influx of matter
(b) a way to reform lost particles
(c) a way to recycle neutrinos
(d) a constant influx of energy

8. What does Snow say might happen if Kelvin leaves with Rheya?
(a) Rheya will turn violent.
(b) Rheya will disintegrate.
(c) Rheya will come to despise him.
(d) Rheya will disappear and reappear on the station.

9. What third person does Kelvin think about during the brainwave recording?
(a) his mother
(b) his father
(c) his sister
(d) his brother

10. What does Kelvin do when Snow gives him a drink?
(a) Kelvin pours the drink out on the floor.
(b) Kelvin spits out the drink.
(c) Kelvin drinks the drink.
(d) Kelvin throws the drink in Snow's face.

11. What decision does Kelvin make at the end of the novel?
(a) He will return to Earth and forget Solaris.
(b) He will not leave Solaris.
(c) He will take another mission on a far-off station.
(d) He will remarry for Rheya's sake.

12. What new theory does Kelvin say Snow has created about Solaris?
(a) that Solaris is mad
(b) that Solaris is unconscious
(c) that Solaris is a child
(d) that Solaris is a mother

13. What does Kelvin try to do after Rheya tries to kill herself?
(a) hold her
(b) run away from her
(c) choke her
(d) kiss her

14. What problem does Kelvin see in bringing Rheya to Earth?
(a) She would suffer from culture shock.
(b) She won't be able to leave his side after they arrive on Earth.
(c) She doesn't have proper papers and wouldn't be allowed on Earth.
(d) She won't fit in with other people.

15. What happens to Rheya after she tries to kill herself?
(a) She dies and another Rheya appears.
(b) She disappears and another Rheya appears.
(c) She regenerates and is not harmed.
(d) She regenerates and loses her memory.

Short Answer Questions

1. What experiment does Sartorius want to perform?

2. What does Kelvin overhear Rheya do in the middle of the night?

3. Why does Snow want to go off the station with Kelvin?

4. What does the ocean do when it laps up against humans?

5. Where does Kelvin go after the experiment?

(see the answer keys)

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