Snow Flower and the Secret Fan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lisa See
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lisa See
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lily paint on the fan after she has read third-day books for Snow Flower?
(a) Two pheonixes rising.
(b) Horse.
(c) Duck.
(d) Wilted flower with tears.

2. What is Snow Flower concerned about when Lily meets her family?
(a) That her parents will not like Lily.
(b) They might not understand the different dialects.
(c) That Lily will not like her father.
(d) That she will be disappointed.

3. Who is Madame Gao?
(a) Cook.
(b) Neighbor.
(c) Local matchmaker.
(d) Seamstress.

4. What is Lady Lu not wearing when Lily meets her for the first time?
(a) The silk stockings Lily's mother sent to her.
(b) The shoes she embroidered for her.
(c) The necklace Lily gave her.
(d) Her special robe.

5. How long is the mourning period for Lily's grandmother and sister?
(a) Three years.
(b) Three months.
(c) One year.
(d) Four years.

6. What does Beautiful Moon have an allergic reaction to?
(a) Milk.
(b) Medicine.
(c) Peanut butter.
(d) Bee sting.

7. How long must Lily wait to walk down the stairs after her feet are bound?
(a) Two years.
(b) Four months.
(c) Six years.
(d) Ten days.

8. What is Snow Flower's dowry made from?
(a) New silk cloth.
(b) Lily's old clothes.
(c) Fine cotton from her new family.
(d) Her mother's dowry.

9. What occupation did Snow Flower's great-grandfather have?
(a) Farmer.
(b) Scholar.
(c) Musician.
(d) Landowner.

10. Who is Yonggang?
(a) Snow Flower's sister.
(b) Elder sister's servant.
(c) Lily's servant.
(d) A relative of Lily's husband.

11. What family does Madame Wang arrange for Lily to be married into?
(a) Hun family.
(b) Wang family.
(c) Lu family.
(d) Gao family.

12. Who are "little daughters-in-law"?
(a) Emperor's daughters by marriage.
(b) Poor girls whose feet are not bound.
(c) Girls who marry well.
(d) Baby girls.

13. What does Snow Flower make for breakfast when she is visiting Lily's family?
(a) Eggs and bacon.
(b) Cakes and tea.
(c) Rice.
(d) Pork and pumpkin seeds.

14. What does laotong mean?
(a) Late afternoon.
(b) Neighbors.
(c) Old same.
(d) Ancestors.

15. How does Snow Flower get through the footbinding process?
(a) Looking out the window and daydreaming.
(b) Listening to music.
(c) Reading.
(d) Writing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Lily and Snow Flower share when they are young that convinces Lily that Snow Flower loves her?

2. Who does Snow Flower say saved her family?

3. What does having their hair pinned up mean for Lily and Snow Flower?

4. How is Snow Flower dressed when Lily visits her home for the first time?

5. What does Lily confuse Snow Flower's mother with when she first meets her?

(see the answer keys)

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