The Skin of Our Teeth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Skin of Our Teeth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Homer shares his name with a poet from what time period?
(a) Ancient Egypt.
(b) Ancient China.
(c) Ancient America.
(d) Ancient Greece.

2. Mrs. Antrobus orders Henry to cheer up his father by reciting what?
(a) Poetry.
(b) The Constitution.
(c) The inventions his father has created.
(d) The times tables.

3. Mrs. Antrobus lists, among her discoveries, that what is edible?
(a) The onion.
(b) The lima bean.
(c) The potato.
(d) The tomato.

4. What kinds of fortunes does the Fortune Teller shout, apparently at random?
(a) Sad fortunes.
(b) Prosperous fortunes.
(c) Gloomy fortunes.
(d) Happy fortunes.

5. After Sabina comes in with the news that Henry has thrown a stone at a neighbor, what appears on Henry's forehead?
(a) A bright red L.
(b) A bright read S.
(c) A bright red M.
(d) A bright red C.

6. What month is it at the beginning of the play?
(a) October.
(b) September.
(c) November.
(d) August.

7. Mrs. Antrobus asks Sabina if she milked what?
(a) The dinosaur.
(b) The elephant.
(c) The mammoth.
(d) The cow.

8. How many weeks notice does Sabina give Mrs. Antrobus?
(a) Two.
(b) Four.
(c) Three.
(d) Five.

9. When Sabina steps out of her character, she says that she _______ the play.
(a) Resents.
(b) Loves.
(c) Hates.
(d) Detests.

10. What food does Sabina make to feed the refugees?
(a) Hot dogs.
(b) Pancakes.
(c) Sandwiches.
(d) Hamburgers.

11. What is the name of Mrs. Antrobus' other son?
(a) Abe.
(b) Abbin.
(c) Abbrel.
(d) Abel.

12. Sabina retracts her resignation because she loves the ________ of life with the Antrobuses.
(a) Unpredictability.
(b) Chaos.
(c) Stability.
(d) Serenity.

13. What does Sabina ask the audience to pass up for the fire?
(a) Their clothing.
(b) Their chairs.
(c) Their purses.
(d) Their money.

14. While Homer sings a ballad, Moses recited from the Bible in what language?
(a) Ancient Latin.
(b) Ancient Greek.
(c) Ancient Arameic.
(d) Ancient Hebrew.

15. What word does the Fortune Teller use to describe the flooding rain that is in humanity's future?
(a) A sizeable.
(b) A downpour.
(c) A deluge.
(d) A laughable.

Short Answer Questions

1. While Mr. Antrobus drills Henry in the times tables, what does he order Mrs. Antrobus to teach Gladys?

2. Mr. Antrobus debunks the accusations that in the moments before his birth he almost chose to be what?

3. Where does Mrs. Antrobus order Sabina to take Gladys to clean off her makeup?

4. The story of Mr. Antrobus leading a handful to survive in the face of the rain's destruction alludes to what story in the Bible?

5. Before the Telegraph Boy can come into the house, Sabina and Mrs. Antrobus do what?

(see the answer keys)

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