Skinny Legs and All Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Skinny Legs and All Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which goddess is associated with the Dance of the Seven Veils?
(a) Hera.
(b) The Moon Goddess.
(c) Astarte.
(d) The Earth Mother.

2. What removes Ellen Cherry's feeling of guilt about sleeping with Spike?
(a) Patsy tells her that sex in marriage is as normal as bread.
(b) She paints it.
(c) Boomer sends her a letter saying he sleeps with Ultima.
(d) That Ultima goes to Jerusalem to visit Boomer.

3. What do Verlin and Patsy want to see while they're in New York?
(a) The Statue of Liberty.
(b) The Cathedral.
(c) Turn Around Norman.
(d) The Turkey.

4. Why does Buddy say he's glad Boomer is in Jerusalem?
(a) For his education.
(b) In case he needs him to run an errand or two.
(c) Because he's persuaded him to blow up the Temple Mount.
(d) So he can spy on the Jews.

5. Why is Ellen Cherry's visit to Ultima a relief?
(a) Ultima gives her more money from Boomer.
(b) Ultima reveals that she and Boomer never have an intimate relationship.
(c) Ultima sells several more of Ellen Cherry's paintings.
(d) Ultima tells her that the sculptor Boomer is working with is a man.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is a matter of tradition for the Belly Dancer?

2. What is the band member's other talent?

3. How do the objects that are with Buddy plan to get to Jerusalem?

4. Who protects Spoon as she finds her way back to the Cathedral?

5. How does Ellen Cherry characterize the new belly dancer?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Uncle Buddy's reasoning for attempting to blow up the Dome of the Rock?

2. Is there symbolic significance in the event when Ellen Cherry, having determined to paint again, goes looking for Turn Around Norman and finds Buddy instead?

3. Describe the appeal of the belly dancer, Salome, to the male audience.

4. Explain the final revelation evoked by The Dance of the Seven Veils.

5. What is the effect of the high definition TV that Spike gave to the I & I?

6. Throughout the novel so far, Ellen Cherry seems to be cosmically bound to the group of objects. As they try to escape, Buddy catches two of them. Which objects does he catch and is Buddy also cosmically connected to the objects? Why?

7. Is there a reason why Dirty Sock is the only object left behind when the objects escape and never makes it to Jerusalem?

8. Describe the group of objects in Ellen Cherry's underwear drawer.

9. When Ultima and Ellen Cherry talk about art, Ultima says that some artists admit defeat and stop trying to be original. Ellen Cherry disagrees with this and says artists always strive for originality. Why do you think this conversation inspires her to begin painting again?

10. Why do you think Salome chooses to perform the Dance of the Seven Veils during the Super Bowl?

(see the answer keys)

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