Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 12, The Water Clock Measures Time.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who played with Amenhotep like a sister when they were children?
(a) Sinuhe.
(b) Baketamon.
(c) Thothmes.
(d) Nefertiti

2. What animal do the people of Babylon have that Sinuhe has never seen before?
(a) A camel.
(b) A bull.
(c) A hen.
(d) A horse.

3. How does Horemheb make money on his men after he give them their rewards?
(a) He taxes the merchants where they will spend their booty.
(b) He convinces them to invest in his companies.
(c) He charges for food and beds.
(d) He has them followed and steals from them.

4. How do the women of Crete wear their hair?
(a) High on their head with small hats.
(b) Flat to their heads with lots of oils.
(c) Cut like a boys.
(d) Curly and short.

5. What is on the roof at the inn where Sinuhe stays in Babylon?
(a) Beautiful gardens.
(b) Shingles.
(c) A statue to Aton.
(d) Terra cotta covers.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Sinuhe know that he is to assist Phator and go with him to the pharaoh?

2. What do people say about Nefertiti?

3. How is life different for a physician in Syria compared to Egypt?

4. Why does Sinuhe take no money for his slave girl Keftiu?

5. What kind of houses do the people of Babylon live in?

(see the answer key)

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