The Silence of the Lambs Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Silence of the Lambs Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Jack Crawford want Clarice to start talking to Dr. Lecter again?
(a) Because he thinks Dr. Lecter can teach Clarice some profiling skills.
(b) Because he believes Dr. Lecter lied about the how, why and by whom of Klaus' death.
(c) Because he thinks Clarice can get Dr. Lecter to tell her who Buffalo Bill really is.
(d) Because he wants to get Clarice out of the way, and he thinks getting her to talk to Dr. Lecter will do just that.

2. What is the name of the latest victim from Chapter 15?
(a) Bella Crawford.
(b) Ardelia Louise Mapp.
(c) Catherine Baker Martin.
(d) Clarice Starling.

3. What is Clarice doing in Chapter 1 when she is called to the Section Chief's office?
(a) She is flirting with the hospital director.
(b) She is preparing a questionnaire for an interview.
(c) She is sitting in her Pinto, gathering her thoughts.
(d) She is practicing at the firing range.

4. What is Buffalo Bill's routine with his victims?
(a) He abducts them, keeps them for a week, skins them alive, and dumps them in a river.
(b) He puts them in a hole and buries them up to their neck.
(c) He shoots them and dumps them in a ravine.
(d) He abducts them, calls the family for ransom, collects the money, and then kills them.

5. After her father's death when she was a child, where did Clarice live?
(a) In a foster home.
(b) On a horse ranch owned by her mother's cousin.
(c) With her grandparents.
(d) In Chicago with her mother and three siblings.

6. What does Noble Pilcher tell Clarice that the word "moth" once meant?
(a) Destruction.
(b) Death.
(c) Beauty.
(d) Oblivion.

7. Who killed Benjamin Raspail and why?
(a) Benjamin Raspail is still alive.
(b) Dr. Lecter killed Benjamin Raspail because he was whiny and making no progress.
(c) Jack Crawford killed Benjamin Raspail because he tried to get away.
(d) Benjamin Raspail killed himself during auto-erotic asphyxiation.

8. Why did the Senator offer Dr. Lecter special privileges for his assistance in finding her daughter?
(a) The Senator thinks that no one other than Dr. Lecter will be able to solve this case.
(b) She knows that Dr. Lecter will do anything for publicity.
(c) She is desperate to find her daughter.
(d) She is not aware that special privileges have been offered in her name.

9. What is the name of the renowned serial killer psychology expert who is interviewed by the newsmen covering the Senator's daughter's kidnapping?
(a) Dr. Chilton.
(b) Noble Pilcher.
(c) Dr. Hannibal Lecter.
(d) Dr. Alan Bloom.

10. What creature from her childhood reminds Clarice of Dr. Chilton?
(a) An insignificant ant.
(b) An opportunistic crow.
(c) A preening rooster.
(d) A glue factory bound horse.

11. Dr. Lecter tells Dr. Chilton that Buffalo Bill's first name is what?
(a) James.
(b) Randy.
(c) Billy.
(d) Edward.

12. Why does Clarice believe the dead girl is from town rather than a country girl?
(a) She is carrying a driver's license with her address on it.
(b) She has multiple ear piercings and glitter nail polish.
(c) She has a mohawk.
(d) She is wearing stiletto heels.

13. What is the name of the man in the Packard?
(a) Benjamin Raspail.
(b) Klaus.
(c) Everett Yow.
(d) Jack Crawford.

14. How does Clarice keep the crime scene in the storage room from being disturbed?
(a) She puts a tarp over the entrance.
(b) She threatens the men with a jack handle.
(c) She parks her car in front of the door.
(d) She doesn't try to keep it from being disturbed.

15. Why did Jack Crawford turn down Dr. Lecter's original offer of assistance in the Buffalo Bill case?
(a) Because Dr. Lecter was a convicted murderer.
(b) Because Dr. Lecter made a previous offer of assistance resulted in the near-death of an FBI agent.
(c) Because Dr. Lecter's first offer was not sincere.
(d) Because Dr. Lecter lied about what he knew.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is used by the people in the morgue to mask the smell of decay?

2. Why does Jack Crawford tell Clarice to keep any inside information from Dr. Chilton?

3. Who is Dr. Danielson?

4. What did Dr. Lecter tell Clarice she would find in the Packard?

5. In Chapter 6, Clarice receives permission to explore what?

(see the answer keys)

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