Silence; Lectures and Writings Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Silence; Lectures and Writings Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Cage's essay on him, Erik Satie said who was not clumsy in his publicity?
(a) Bach.
(b) Mozart.
(c) Beethoven.
(d) Cage.

2. What country did Cage's dad falsely say the family would visit?
(a) Mexico.
(b) France.
(c) Japan.
(d) New Zealand.

3. When was "The Future of Music: Credo" first printed?
(a) 1953.
(b) 1943.
(c) 1934.
(d) 1958.

4. Who did Erik Satie describe as stupid and weak, according to Cage's essay on him?
(a) God.
(b) His father.
(c) His former mentor.
(d) Cage.

5. What composer wrote "Klavierstücke XI"?
(a) Manuel de Falla.
(b) Karlheinz Stockhausen.
(c) Nikolai Medtner.
(d) Ottorino Respighi.

6. What genre of art influenced Cage?
(a) Minimalism.
(b) Victorian Revival.
(c) New Realism.
(d) Dada.

7. In the "Strategy" section of "Forerunners of Modern Music," what term does Cage say "may be controlled or not, as one chooses"?
(a) Form.
(b) Material.
(c) Method.
(d) Structure.

8. In the "Definitions" section of "Forerunners of Modern Music," what term is "the means of controlling the continuity from note to note"?
(a) Material.
(b) Form.
(c) Method.
(d) Structure.

9. In the "Definitions" section of "Forerunners of Modern Music," what term is "content, the continuity"?
(a) Form.
(b) Method.
(c) Material.
(d) Structure.

10. Cage says in his foreword that he has been writing articles and giving lectures for over how many years?
(a) 30.
(b) 40.
(c) 25.
(d) 20.

11. Yun Kiang met a man who acted like what animal?
(a) A bird.
(b) A rabbit.
(c) A cat.
(d) A dog.

12. In the "Definitions" section of "Forerunners of Modern Music," what term is "sound and silence"?
(a) Structure.
(b) Form.
(c) Method.
(d) Material.

13. When is Cage's foreword dated?
(a) April 1958.
(b) July 1962.
(c) June 1961.
(d) May 1959.

14. "Edgard Varese" was first published in what publication?
(a) Muzica Moderna.
(b) Nutida Musik.
(c) Critical Musicology Journal.
(d) Musical Traditions.

15. In the "Strategy" section of "Forerunners of Modern Music," what term does Cage say "is properly mind-controlled"?
(a) Method.
(b) Material.
(c) Structure.
(d) Form.

Short Answer Questions

1. Cage recalls his Aunt Marge saying she loved what more than her husband?

2. In the "Definitions" section of "Forerunners of Modern Music," what term is music's "divisibility into successive parts from phrases to long sections"?

3. When was "Experimental Music" first printed?

4. Cage recalls going to the Bolshoi Ballet with whom?

5. A portion of "Composition as Process--3: Communication" was published in what publication?

(see the answer keys)

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