Sharpe's Waterloo: Richard Sharpe and the Waterloo Campaign Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Waterloo: Richard Sharpe and the Waterloo Campaign Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Wellington order the Earl of Uxbridge to do?
(a) Try to take out the heavy artillery on the South ridge.
(b) Try to flank the Cuirassiers.
(c) Attack the advancing French formations with the British heavy cavalry.
(d) Retreat.

2. Where are the Prussians located?
(a) They retreated too far to return in time.
(b) North of the British.
(c) They are intermingled with the British.
(d) To the east of the British.

3. Where does Sharpe meet Harper?
(a) In the officer's mess.
(b) At the local inn.
(c) In the stables.
(d) At the Duke's tent.

4. Where do Sharpe and Harper go after the French skirmishers retreat?
(a) To the west flank of the Prince of Orange's troops.
(b) To the ridge above the chateau.
(c) To the Duke's 92nd rifle brigade.
(d) To Waterloo.

5. Who is Christopher Manvell?
(a) The Duke of Wellington's valet.
(b) A spy for the British.
(c) Rossendale's friend to whom he tells the truth.
(d) Sharpe's second in command.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who rides with the British heavy cavalry?

2. Which men are posted to reinforce the garrison defending Hougoumont?

3. What does Wellington order that his men keep?

4. What is the use for the cobbled road?

5. What does Lieutenant Simon Bloggett want of Sharpe?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the author's placement of Sharpe in Chapter 14 do as a narrative device?

2. How does D'Alembord's premonition show courage?

3. What explanations about British firing techniques are described in great detail in chapter 15?

4. What is the difference between the disposition of the Allied Forces and the French in Chapter 13? For what does this afford the author an opportunity?

5. Describe the area where the retreating British army takes up a position in Chapter 10.

6. What person and his position, provide a good example of dealing with incompetent superiors?

7. What is a major failure on the French part that leads to their ultimate defeat?

8. What type of relationship does the contrast of the two opposing generals have to the two armies?

9. What does John Rossendale tell his fellow officers about the condition of his sword and pistol in Chapter 10?

10. What is one of the most striking differences at the end of a battle and the disposition of the dead between that era and now?

(see the answer keys)

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