Sharpe's Tiger Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Tiger Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who would Sharpe ask permission to marry Mary if he wanted to do that?
(a) Sergeant Hakeswill.
(b) Lieutenant Lawford.
(c) Colonel Wellesley.
(d) Captain Morris.

2. Who was Mary's dead husband?
(a) A sergeant in the English army.
(b) An officer in the Indian army.
(c) A rice farmer.
(d) A sergeant in the Indian army.

3. Why does Hakeswill argue with Sharpe about Mary?
(a) He thinks Sharpe has romantic interests in her.
(b) She wants to marry Hakeswill.
(c) Sharpe won't marry her.
(d) He wants Sharpe out of the way so he can rape her.

4. Who carries out Sharpe's flogging?
(a) Hakeswill.
(b) Green.
(c) Two drummer boys.
(d) Captain Morris.

5. What do the officers decide that Lawford will pose as?
(a) A timid clerk.
(b) A racketeer.
(c) A wronged officer.
(d) An ex-lieutenant who is now a private.

6. Who halts Sharpe's flogging before it is finished?
(a) General Harris.
(b) Colonel Wellesley.
(c) Sergeant Green.
(d) Captain Morris.

7. What does Sharpe tell Lawford about the gunpowder in the musket he was to use to shoot McCandless?
(a) It was wet.
(b) Nothing.
(c) It wasn't really gunpowder.
(d) It was cut with too much sodium.

8. What do the officers discuss back at the British encampment?
(a) Whether Lawford and Shapre were convincing as deserters.
(b) If Mary will be able to translate the French documents.
(c) If Lawford and Sharpe are still alive.
(d) The changes that have occurred since the departure of Shapre and Lawford.

9. What do Sharpe and Lawford do to show they are deserters?
(a) Change into civilian clothes.
(b) Dye their pants black.
(c) Turn their uniform jackets inside out.
(d) Wear white scarfs.

10. What does Green give Sharpe to help with the flogging.
(a) A bottle of whiskey.
(b) A lot of rum.
(c) Some laudanum.
(d) A leather strap to bite upon.

11. Where is McCandless taken?
(a) Nowhere.
(b) To a dungeon in New Delli.
(c) Seringapatam.
(d) To the Rjah Particupam's palace.

12. What does Mary suggest Sharpe do?
(a) Formally request to marry her.
(b) Take her into his tent to live.
(c) Get her pregnant so the army will let him marry her.
(d) Desert the army and run away with her.

13. What does Gudin suggest about McCandless to Tippoo?
(a) That McCandless is a deserter.
(b) That McCandless wants to join Tippoo.
(c) That McCandless was foraging for food.
(d) That McCandless is a spy.

14. Why does Sharpe take control of the mission?
(a) Lawford doesn't know the language.
(b) Sharpe is better at this type of mission.
(c) Lawford is supposed to be an officer.
(d) Lawford is supposed to be timid.

15. To what does Sharpe admit which adds to his credentials for the rescue job?
(a) Having knowledge of assassination techniques.
(b) Knowing lock picking.
(c) Speaking the language.
(d) Having been in a dungeon before.

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of weapon is Hakeswill carrying?

2. What is Sharpe asked to do to prove his sincerity?

3. What does Major General Baird order?

4. What is Sharpe contemplating at the beginning of Chapter 1?

5. What does McCandless say to Sharpe?

(see the answer keys)

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