Sharpe's Tiger Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Tiger Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Tippoo use to execute two men?
(a) His sword.
(b) His tigers.
(c) Four horses.
(d) His Jettis.

2. Why does Hakeswill challenge Sharpe while they are marching?
(a) For his musket being carried on the wrong shoulder.
(b) For having blood on his bayonet.
(c) For marching out of step.
(d) For talking in the ranks.

3. Why is Sharpe fighting in India?
(a) The British are trying to take Pakistan.
(b) To break resistance to British rule.
(c) The Indians have killed a British Duke.
(d) The British have just invaded India.

4. What does McCandless say to Sharpe?
(a) That the British should not attempt to breach the west wall.
(b) That he doesn't want rescued by one such as Sharpe.
(c) That McCandless has already arranged his own rescue.
(d) That Tippoo has given the enemy information.

5. Why do McCandless and Sharpe pretend to be at odds?
(a) It is no pretense as they do hate each other.
(b) So they can wrestle on the ground and pass information.
(c) They do not pretend anything.
(d) To convince Gudin that they hate each other.

6. What do the officers think of Sharpe's ability to lie?
(a) He is a passable liar.
(b) His face turns red when he lies.
(c) He has too much honor to lie well.
(d) He is a good liar.

7. Why do the officers Sharpe will be a convincing deserter?
(a) He has a scar on his face.
(b) He has flogging wounds.
(c) He comes from the lower class.
(d) He is Irish.

8. What do the officers decide that Lawford will pose as?
(a) A wronged officer.
(b) A timid clerk.
(c) A racketeer.
(d) An ex-lieutenant who is now a private.

9. What do the officers discuss back at the British encampment?
(a) If Lawford and Sharpe are still alive.
(b) Whether Lawford and Shapre were convincing as deserters.
(c) If Mary will be able to translate the French documents.
(d) The changes that have occurred since the departure of Shapre and Lawford.

10. Why does Hakeswill argue with Sharpe about Mary?
(a) He wants Sharpe out of the way so he can rape her.
(b) She wants to marry Hakeswill.
(c) Sharpe won't marry her.
(d) He thinks Sharpe has romantic interests in her.

11. Under what circumstances may a British soldier strike a superior?
(a) When the superior is issuing an illegal order.
(b) None.
(c) When hit first.
(d) When caught in the act of rape.

12. Who does Mcandless tell to escape?
(a) The Indian escort.
(b) Appah Rao.
(c) The Havildar.
(d) His sergeant, McMasters.

13. Of what is the tripod Sharpe is tied to made?
(a) Three halberds.
(b) He is tied to a flogging post.
(c) Three cavalry lances.
(d) Three small tree trunks.

14. How many are in the British firing line they array against Tippoo's troops in Chapter 1?
(a) A thousand.
(b) Seven hundred.
(c) Two thousand.
(d) Four hundred.

15. What do Sharpe and Lawford do to show they are deserters?
(a) Turn their uniform jackets inside out.
(b) Wear white scarfs.
(c) Dye their pants black.
(d) Change into civilian clothes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gudin suggest about McCandless to Tippoo?

2. Who is watching Sharpe and Mary talk?

3. What does Sharpe tell McCandless?

4. To where is the British army moving?

5. What does Lieutenant Lawford suggest?

(see the answer keys)

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