Sharpe's Skirmish Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Skirmish Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Sharpe ordered to do at the fort?
(a) Guard Major Tubbs and Tubbs' men.
(b) Dig entrenchments.
(c) Destroy anything that would be of use to the French if they return.
(d) Interrogate the French soldiers taken prisoner.

2. What motivated Teresa to becomes a soldier?
(a) Because the French will not allow Spain to be independent even if Spain fights for them.
(b) The French captured her father and brothers and they are in prison.
(c) The French killed her young son.
(d) The French killed her family.

3. Where does Ducos want to force the British?
(a) To Holland.
(b) To the Pyrenees.
(c) Into the Atlantic.
(d) To the Portuguese border.

4. Where does Herault think the biggest danger to his men lies?
(a) Near the Vlazio River crossing.
(b) Near the forst at Brazilios.
(c) In crossing the Southern plains.
(d) In going through the mountains.

5. Who is Major Lucius Tubbs?
(a) He is the commander of San Miguel.
(b) He is in charge of rating the muskets at the fort that were left by the French.
(c) He is Sharpe's immediate superior.
(d) He commands the 501 Artillery battalion.

6. Who does Tubbs think are French soldiers?
(a) A group of men found hiding in some caves.
(b) Several men hiding in a barn near the fort.
(c) Some of the men pretending to be farmers in the area.
(d) An unfriendly looking group of horsemen.

7. What will the rest of Herault's men do?
(a) Hold the bridge at Santos Carmo.
(b) Wait in reserve where they are presently located.
(c) Hold the bridge at San Miguel de Tormes.
(d) Divide up and go through three different mountain passes.

8. Who does Teresa say she fights?
(a) Anyone who gives Sharpe a hard time.
(b) Rude men.
(c) Anyone allied with Napoleon.
(d) Whoever she feels like fighting.

9. What will the plan do if it succeeds?
(a) Deal a detestation blow to Wellington's forces.
(b) Save Madrid.
(c) Get the troops to Marmont faster.
(d) Perpetuate the least amount of casualties.

10. What does Herault now command?
(a) The South Army's infantry.
(b) The North Army's horsemen.
(c) The South Army's heavy artillery.
(d) The South Army's horsemen.

11. Who is MacKeon?
(a) A rebel in the Spanish forces.
(b) A soldier who knew Sharpe in Campbell's 96th.
(c) Ducos' second in command.
(d) Teresa's second in command.

12. Why does Sharpe have his men marching on recon?
(a) To forage for food.
(b) So the French will think Sharpe has a much bigger force than he does.
(c) So they do not get slack in their duties.
(d) So the dust from the marching will fool the French into thinking the British have left.

13. Who goes in search of the French?
(a) Major Tubbs and some of his Battalion.
(b) No one, since the French are quite far from the fort.
(c) Lieutenant Price and some of Sharpe's company.
(d) Some of the local militia.

14. What does Sharpe doubt?
(a) That his wife will be happy staying at the fort.
(b) That there are any French soldiers in the area.
(c) That Tubbs is competent.
(d) That Harper is competent.

15. What does Sharpe say he did not see?
(a) Correct military protocal by the local militia.
(b) Any strange uniforms.
(c) A way to defend the fort if the French return.
(d) Correct military procedures by Tubbs and his men.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sharpe tell Harper to do?

2. When was "Sharpe's Skirmish" first written?

3. Why will the British soldiers' work in the Elysian fields be unmolested?

4. What does Sharpe have Harper do?

5. To what does Sharpe's men object until Sharpe gets near?

(see the answer keys)

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