Sharpe's Siege: Richard Sharpe and the Winter Campaign, 1814 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sharpe's Siege: Richard Sharpe and the Winter Campaign, 1814 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Sharpe's force land for the first part of their mission?
(a) Near Teste de Buch but out of sight.
(b) At the bay in front of Teste de Buch.
(c) Upriver, but in sight of Teste de Buch.
(d) No where, they approach Teste de Buch by sea.

2. Why is the Commodore in charge of Teste de Buch concerned?
(a) His forces are undermanned.
(b) The water in the well is bad.
(c) His wall is crumbling.
(d) His food supply is almost gone.

3. What is Sharpe ordered to do?
(a) Assassinate the French general.
(b) Take out a French man-of-war.
(c) Capture a fortress that is said to be ill-guarded.
(d) Slip behind the French line and poison their water source.

4. What does Killick say to Sharpe about hanging sailors?
(a) It dooms their spirits to eternal unrest.
(b) It is homocide.
(c) Sailors would rather be shot.
(d) It is against the law of the sea.

5. What do they do with Harper after he pulls his tooth?
(a) Put him in a hand cart.
(b) Give him whiskey to drink.
(c) Put him on a stretcher.
(d) Make him lie down.

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of work does Cornelius Killick do?

2. What does the Comte de Maquerre do for France?

3. What does a group of the British see a few hours before Sharpe's mission?

4. On whom's ship is Sharpe called to plan his mission?

5. What did Sharpe as the Americans to swear?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who joins Sharpe's mission at the last moment, what kind of problems does he cause and why does Sharpe's superiors allow it?

2. What does Lassan do to help him make a decision about his defense?

3. What does Killick decide to do with the British coming?

4. What does Pierre Ducos do when he learns Sharpe is marching inland?

5. What is Sharpe's mission and what does Elphinstone think about it?

6. What surprises Sharpe when they land and why is he surprised and what does Bampfylde do?

7. What does Bampfylde do with the American prisoners and why?

8. What does Harper ask Sharpe, how does Sharpe respond and what does Harper say to that response?

9. What does an English frigate do about the Teste de Buch and how does Lassan respond?

10. Describe the recent event just preceding this book.

(see the answer keys)

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