Shadowlands Test | Final Test - Easy

William Nicholson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shadowlands Test | Final Test - Easy

William Nicholson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Lewis asked about?
(a) The funeral plans.
(b) Joy's condition.
(c) His day at school.
(d) Joy's house.

2. What does Joy ask Lewis?
(a) If they can have another child.
(b) If Lewis will care for Douglas.
(c) What he will do when she is gone.
(d) Where he wants to go on their next vacation.

3. What topic does Lewis speak of?
(a) The existence of God.
(b) England.
(c) Weddings and funerals.
(d) Love.

4. What does Lewis tell Harrington?
(a) Lewis is going to quit teaching.
(b) Lewis will not to marry Joy after Harrington's concern.
(c) Lewis will let Douglas go back to his father.
(d) Lewis will find someone else for the wedding.

5. What do Lewis and Joy discuss?
(a) Lewis' house.
(b) Her improving health.
(c) Her funeral.
(d) Douglas' school.

6. Who is with Joy as the scene opens?
(a) Warnie.
(b) Lewis.
(c) Douglas.
(d) A nurse.

7. Why are Lewis and Joy careful in discussing her health?
(a) They don't understand why Joy is not getting better.
(b) They don't want to face the bad news.
(c) They don't want to upset Douglas.
(d) They are afraid to jinx her improvements.

8. Riley and the others discuss what?
(a) Teaching at the university.
(b) Joy's desire to go back to America.
(c) The power of prayer.
(d) What to do with Douglas.

9. What does Douglas ask Lewis?
(a) Whether he can stay in England.
(b) If Joy is going to die.
(c) If he can go to Brussels with Warnie.
(d) If Lewis loves him.

10. What does Joy tell Lewis to arrange?
(a) Making sure Warnie is ok with her going to their home.
(b) Her funeral.
(c) A renewal of their vows.
(d) Packing Douglas for his trip to New York.

11. Douglas asks Lewis if he believes in what?
(a) Heaven.
(b) Truth.
(c) God.
(d) Love.

12. What does Lewis say is part of the happiness?
(a) Pain.
(b) Love.
(c) Wonder.
(d) Uncertainty.

13. What do Lewis and Joy talk about?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Her funeral.
(c) Their wedding.
(d) Her pain.

14. What does Lewis declare to the other men?
(a) He is already Douglas' father.
(b) He will marry Joy.
(c) He wants to stop teaching to care for Joy.
(d) He is moving into Joy's house.

15. What word best describes Joy's spirits in the scene?
(a) Confused.
(b) Angry.
(c) Depressed.
(d) Good.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Lewis addressing as this scene opens?

2. What does Warnie tell the men?

3. What does Lewis tell Warnie?

4. What do Harrington, Gregg, and Riley discuss?

5. What does Lewis tell Joy about her condition?

(see the answer keys)

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