Shadowlands Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

William Nicholson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shadowlands Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

William Nicholson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lewis encourage Warnie to do?
(a) Write a book.
(b) Visit the United States.
(c) Marry the woman he's been seeing.
(d) Join him in meeting Joy.

2. Where does Joy invite Warnie and Lewis?
(a) To the park.
(b) For a drink.
(c) To a Christmas party.
(d) Home for dinner.

3. What is Riley's theory on women?
(a) They are too rational.
(b) They are more concerned about their looks than love.
(c) They like to shop and cook.
(d) They are etremely different than men.

4. Who is skeptical about Joy's intentions?
(a) Lewis.
(b) Joy's husband.
(c) Joy's son.
(d) Warnie.

5. C.S. Lewis is also referred to by what name?
(a) Chris.
(b) Stephen.
(c) Jack.
(d) Alex.

6. Where does Douglas go?
(a) Outside.
(b) To bed.
(c) To school.
(d) To New York.

7. What does Joy's son ask Lewis?
(a) To sign a book.
(b) To take him to Oxford.
(c) To marry his mother.
(d) To buy them dinner.

8. What does Warnie suggest about women?
(a) They are not worth the bother.
(b) They are more interesting in theory than in practice.
(c) They are just like men.
(d) They are worth their weight in gold.

9. Who is with Lewis as the scene opens?
(a) Douglas.
(b) Joy.
(c) Warnie.
(d) Riley.

10. Where does scene 9 open?
(a) Joy's home.
(b) Lewis' home.
(c) The Registrar's office.
(d) Oxford University.

11. Including this visit, how many other times have Joy and Douglas been to the Lewis home?
(a) 1
(b) 5
(c) 10
(d) 3

12. Warnie reminds Lewis of what?
(a) How Douglas doesn't like Lewis.
(b) How Joy's move appears to others.
(c) How Warnie doesn't like Joy.
(d) How Lewis' actions will lead Joy on.

13. When Lewis enters, he begins to address whom?
(a) A young woman.
(b) His brother.
(c) His wife.
(d) The audience.

14. What is Lewis doing when Warnie enters the room?
(a) Building a shelf.
(b) Reading the newspaper.
(c) Watching television.
(d) Writing letters.

15. Lewis mentions a letter from whom?
(a) Ms. Harvey.
(b) Mrs. Gresham.
(c) Ms. Van Dorn.
(d) Mrs. Booth.

Short Answer Questions

1. Lewis assures Warnie of what?

2. What does Lewis do to help ease the tension between him and Joy?

3. Lewis asks Douglas about whom?

4. Who teases Lewis about Joy?

5. Lewis says that life is what?

(see the answer keys)

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