Seeing Is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees: A Life of Contemporary Artist Robert Irwin Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Lawrence Weschler
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Seeing Is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees: A Life of Contemporary Artist Robert Irwin Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Lawrence Weschler
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Seeing Is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees: A Life of Contemporary Artist Robert Irwin Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. To Irwin and his young male friends, what is the most important thing in life?

2. Southern Californians can have instantaneous and intimate conversations with whom?

3. Irwin's goal is to create art that leaves the observer how?

4. _________________ is part of Irwin's process in the creation of his abstracts.

5. Although there was an innate pride in his son's modern art, Overton____________ it less than his wife.

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the mystery that remains regarding Robert Irwin?

2. What happens to Robert after staring at his work for hours? How does he use this to his advantage?

3. What did Irwin's parents think of his art?

4. What does Robert do after leaving school?

5. How is Irwin similar to Morandi?

6. What did critics say about Irwin's work at this time?

7. What takes place between 1962 and 1964?

8. What does Irwin do regarding the canvas to make the edges less noticeable?

9. What things come to an end in this section?

10. How do those who grow up in this community view the world?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Irwin's thoughts about the art world change.

Part 1) Describe Irwin's beliefs and thoughts about the art world as a young man. How were these beliefs formed? How did they affect his work?

Part 2) How did these thoughts and beliefs change throughout his career as an artist? What caused these changes? How did these changes affect his work?

Part 3) How have beliefs, as a whole, changed about the art world? How has art changed over time? What has caused these changes? Is this change good? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 2

Irwin spends time in the desert.

Part 1) Describe Irwin's time in the desert. Why does he decide to spend time in the desert? How is this decision related to his feelings about his art?

Part 2) How does Irwin benefit from this time in the desert? How does it affect his art? How do his feelings while he is in the desert reflect his personality?

Part 3) Describe a place you have gone that give you a sense of peace or renewed energy. Why did this place have this kind of power? Have you returned to this place? Why or why not? Would you like to return to this place? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 3

Irwin begins making dot paintings.

Part 1) Describe these dot paintings. What leads to the creation of these dot paintings? How are the steps leading to these paintings important?

Part 2) What does Irwin do after these dot paintings? Why? How do these dot paintings lead to new works?

Part 3) How do actions and decisions related to your hobbies lead you along new paths? How is this beneficial for you?

(see the answer keys)

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