The Secret Agent Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Agent Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In chapter 7, what does the assistant commissioner ensure when he returns to his office following his evening meeting with the secretary of state?

2. What reason does the assistant commissioner give the secretary of state to have Heat removed from the investigation of that explosion?

3. On the evening of Mr. Verloc's death, Ossipon suggests they take a midnight train away, however, Winnie insists on returning to the shop saying she recalls what?

4. On the evening of Stevie's death after Winnie has gone upstairs, what happens when Mr. Verloc enters his parlor and finds the meal his wife prepared earlier laid out?

5. When the assistant commissioner speaks with him early in the evening of the Greenwich Park blast, the secretary of state is in what condition?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the opening scene of Chapter 11once Chief Inspector Heat has departed the Verloc home?

2. What is it the cab driver complains about at the house and what is the sibling's reaction?

3. What is described as being what Mrs. Verloc fears most in the beginning of Chapter 12?

4. What does Mr. Verloc attempt to stress to his wife regarding the death of her sibling?

5. What exchange takes place between Mr. and Mrs. Verloc on the afternoon he returns from his out-of-country trip, when he announces he is interested in taking a walk?

6. At the beginning of Chapter 10, which fish are used in the discussion concerning the level of importance of the political figure to be caught?

7. What name does Mrs. Verloc refer to Ossipon by and why does it excite him?

8. Identify the individual the assistant commissioner is speaking with at the close of Chapter 10 and what says that might be a quote from his own subordinate.

9. Where does the assistant commissioner go for his evening meal and what catches his attention?

10. What does the assistant commissioner do after completing his visit with the secretary of state?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Some of the characters in Conrad's novel are not whom they initially seem to be. Some are harder than they might have at first appeared, others not quite as cold or callous. Take four characters and examine how they are different by the end of the tale than at first encountered. Describe the individual's outlook and view of the world and what motivates them to change.

Essay Topic 2

Toodles, the secretary of state's private secretary, only appears in two chapters. He is initially introduced in Chapter 7, when the assistant commissioner first reports to the secretary of state, and again in Chapter 10, when the assistant commissioner returns unexpectedly early to make his report to the secretary of state. Examine how the author uses this new character, Toodles, and both encounters he has with the assistant commissioner in relaying his tale.

Essay Topic 3

Examine the relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Verloc. What motivates each of them to get married? Why is it they stay together? What are the ironies of their relationship? Examine their marriage coming apart at the death of Stevie.

(see the answer keys)

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