The Secret Agent Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Agent Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Private Secretary Toodles initially assume when the assistant sommissioner arrives unexpectedly soon at the office of the secretary of state?
(a) That Chief Inspector Heat has arrived to report problems to the secretary of state.
(b) That the assistant commissioner has come to report his findings and that things have gone smoothly thus far.
(c) That Chief Inspector Heat has arrived to report his findings and that things have gone smoothly thus far.
(d) That the assistant commissioner has arrived to report that something has gone wrong to the secretary of state.

2. What is Winnie concerned about while Mr. Verloc is on his trip in Chapter 9?
(a) Stevie's depression due to Mr. Verloc's return.
(b) Stevie's depression due to the police not providing for the poor.
(c) Stevie's depression due to his encounter with the cab driver.
(d) Stevie's depression due to his mother suddenly leaving.

3. What is Winnie's response to Mr. Verloc immediately after Heat leaves their home?
(a) She only barely listens, thinking more about Stevie and her mother, and sacrifices she has made for them.
(b) She listens, also thinking about Stevie and the sacrifices she has made for her brother.
(c) She listens, but nothing is registering as she is simultaneously thinking about the times she spent with Stevie and her mother.
(d) She refuses to listen, only thinking about her brother and and mother, and the sacrifices she has made for them.

4. On the evening she learns of Stevies' death, what happens when Winnie comes downstairs dressed in black, including a veil and small purse as though she is going out?
(a) Her husband advises Winnie she shall only go out that evening to advise her mother regarding Stevie, and then only if he escorts her.
(b) Her husband advises Winnie she shall not go out that evening, not even to advise her mother regarding Stevie.
(c) Her husband advises Winnie she may go out that evening, but only if he escorts her.
(d) Her husband advises Winnie she shall not go out that evening, except to advise her mother regarding Stevie.

5. In chapter 7, what does the assistant commissioner ensure when he returns to his office following his evening meeting with the secretary of state?
(a) That an investigator is assigned to follow Heat.
(b) That Heat has already departed for his home.
(c) That no one can observe the assistant commissioner executing his plan.
(d) That surveillance is placed on the Verloc shop.

6. What does Winnie silently promise herself after Stevie's encounter with the cab driver?
(a) That she will somehow come up with enough money so her mother can leave the charity home.
(b) That once her mother returns her entire family will never want for anything or be poor.
(c) That she will ensure her brother never moves from her home.
(d) That her brother will never want for anything he needs or be poor.

7. What does Winnie request of her husband in response to his decision to go outside on the afternoon of his first day back from his trip?
(a) That he let Winnie and Stevie visit their mother.
(b) That he let Stevie go with him, as her brother is not allowed out unaccompanied.
(c) That he let Stevie accompany him along.
(d) That he let both Winnie and Stevie accompany him as a family.

8. To whom does Winnie's mother entrust what she views as her most valuable asset, her son Stevie?
(a) Stevie's stepfather.
(b) A close neighbor who has a son.
(c) Her only son.
(d) Her only daughter.

9. On the evening of Mr. Verloc's death, Ossipon suggests they take a midnight train away, however, Winnie insists on returning to the shop saying she recalls what?
(a) She left the lights on in the shop.
(b) She left behind a large sum of money.
(c) She failed to lock the shop vault.
(d) She failed to lock the shop door.

10. What is Mr. Verloc's reaction to his mother-in-law's decision to move out?
(a) He is grateful there is but one of his wife's family he now must be concerned.
(b) It does not actually matter much to him, and he is relatively unaffected.
(c) He is troubled only because Winnie has made it clear she is very concerned.
(d) While there is one less mouth to feed, it bothers him that there is also one less to aid in Stevie's care.

11. What is Stevie's reaction when the cab driver starts whipping the horse during the ride to his mother's charity home?
(a) Stevie covers his eyes and screams for the driver to stop.
(b) Stevie becomes upset and attempts to climb down and walk.
(c) Stevie attempts to pry the whip from the cab driver's hand
(d) Stevie climbs down and refuses to get back on the cab.

12. Who does the assistant commissioner send a note to before he departs his office for the second time on the evening of the Greenwich Park explosion?
(a) The police commissioner.
(b) His wife.
(c) Michaelis's patroness.
(d) Heat.

13. After Winnie's mother has moved, Mrs. Verloc attempts to convey her concerns that Stevie will soon become depressed. Mr. Verloc tells her to bring in a neighbor woman to assist her because he will be where?
(a) He will be leaving London for France for a school reunion and to visit friends in the coming weeks.
(b) He will be going out of town to buy property in the coming weeks.
(c) He will be leaving the country to visit an old friend in the coming weeks
(d) He will be leaving the country to conduct business in the coming weeks.

14. In Chapter 10, what is the initial destination the Assistant Commissioner goes to for the second time that evening?
(a) He first searches out Mr. Vladimir promptly for the second time that evening now that he can establish his days as an anarchist are over.
(b) He goes first to the secretary of state to report his progress in the investigation.
(c) He goes first to his office to type his official report so Heat will be outshone when he arrives for work in the morning.
(d) He goes first to the Italian restaurant for dessert and a glass of vermouth as a reward to himself in the case.

15. Which type of fish does the assistant commissioner eventually tell Private Secretary Toodles he is pursuing in connection with the Greenwich Park bombing case on the evening of that incident?
(a) A sardine.
(b) A minnow.
(c) A whale.
(d) A dog-fish.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Ossipon encounters Winnie in the street not far from her shop on the evening of Mr. Verloc's death, he subsequently accompanies her to the Verloc parlor and he believes what?

2. Who does the assistant commissioner find outside the Verloc pornography shop on the evening of the Greenwich Park bombing?

3. What is the reason Mr. Verloc offers for Stevie accompanying him on a little country vacation?

4. After assuring Winnie that things will turn out all right in their escape, what does Ossipon do?

5. Specifically, what is it Winnie offers in exchange for Ossipon's assistance in escape on the evening of Mr. Verloc's demise?

(see the answer keys)

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