The Secret Agent Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Agent Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On the evening of Mr. Verloc's death, Ossipon suggests they take a midnight train away, however, Winnie insists on returning to the shop saying she recalls what?
(a) She failed to lock the shop door.
(b) She left behind a large sum of money.
(c) She failed to lock the shop vault.
(d) She left the lights on in the shop.

2. What is the assistant commissioner's action with the secretary of state's private secretary early in the evening of the Greenwich Park bombing?
(a) They exchange a few brief comments on the case and a current bill concerning fisheries before the assistant commissioner departs.
(b) He arranges a note be sent to his wife regarding his inability that evening to accompany her to the home of her friend for dinner.
(c) He accepts several more cigars and they exchange a few brief comments on a national sporting team before he departs.
(d) He accepts his hat and outer coat that he took off upon arrival, and utters only a quick word of thanks before departing.

3. What does Mr. Verloc give his wife to hide on the evening of the bombing, and where does she place it?
(a) A pigskin pocketbook containing a large quantity of money that she secures under her bodice.
(b) A briefcase containing papers that she hides behind a tall, grandfather clock.
(c) A locked satchel containing bomb components that she places in the attic.
(d) A leather purse containing banknotes that she places under the mattress of their bed.

4. To whom does Winnie's mother entrust what she views as her most valuable asset, her son Stevie?
(a) Her only daughter.
(b) Her only son.
(c) A close neighbor who has a son.
(d) Stevie's stepfather.

5. Why does Mrs. Verloc's mother wish to move into a charity home?
(a) To ensure while she is still alive that Stevie will be taken care of for the remainder of his life, rather than encounter the issue on her deathbed.
(b) She feels in the way at the Verloc residence and believes relations between her children and Mr. Verloc will run more smoothly with her living elsewhere.
(c) She dislikes how Mr. Verloc treats Stevie and feels compelled to live elsewhere, but cannot afford to.
(d) She is nearing the end of her life and no longer wants to be a drain on her children.

6. When Mr. Verloc confronts Winnie on the night of Stevies death, what does he say about the death?
(a) It was just as well Stevie was dead for his own sake, and with her mother now gone Winnie could be totally attentive to him.
(b) Winnie was as responsible for Stevie's death as Mr. Verloc was, since she made him take Stevie for the walk.
(c) Stevie insisted on carrying the bomb and Mr.Verloc was not able to convince him otherwise.
(d) It was Stevie who managed to trip and detonate the blast.

7. When asked, what is it that the secretary of state is told that makes it unnecessary to incarcerate the person he is concerned about?
(a) The subject will not leave their professional responsibilities.
(b) The subject has no place to go to without being found and then incurring further problems.
(c) The subject has a spouse who will not leave the country.
(d) The subject will not leave in hopes of reducing potential punishment.

8. What does Mr. Verloc attempt to convince his wife of concerning their relationship in their conversation after Heat departs their home?
(a) How they will be able to sell the shop and live freely in the country without further troubles as he has been granted immunity for his testimony.
(b) That he has done everything he could to support her and her family and that should be sufficient.
(c) How deeply in love he is with her and will do anything to make Winnie's loss up to her.
(d) How deeply in love he is with her and that should be sufficient for now.

9. As they prepare to escape from Lonaon, how much of Mr. Verloc's money does Winnie give to Ossipon, and what does she tell him aids in the use of it?
(a) She gives him all of her husband's money and stipulates it is untraceable.
(b) She gives him part of her husband's money and stipulates it is untraceable as he banked in Switzerland.
(c) She gives him half of her husband's money and stipulates it is untraceable.
(d) She gives him all but a little of her husband's money and stipulates she does not know if it is traceable, but he banked out of the country.

10. Specifically, what is it Winnie offers in exchange for Ossipon's assistance in escape on the evening of Mr. Verloc's demise?
(a) The shop and residence.
(b) Money.
(c) Bomb components.
(d) Her body and her love.

11. When Ossipon encounters Winnie in the street not far from her shop on the evening of Mr. Verloc's death, he subsequently accompanies her to the Verloc parlor and he believes what?
(a) That Mr. Verloc had killed a police officer and was caught.
(b) That Mr. Verloc was killed during a bank robbery attempt.
(c) That Mr. Verloc had killed a foreign political figure and fled.
(d) That Mr. Verloc had blown himself up earlier that day.

12. Regarding Stevie wandering away, what does Mrs. Verloc assure her husband?
(a) She knows Stevie shall find his way back by himself if necessary.
(b) She knows Stevie shall ask a police officer for assistance if necessary.
(c) She knows Stevie has never gotten lost before.
(d) She knows Stevie shall stick by Mr. Verloc very closely.

13. When confronting Mr. Vladimir on the evening of the Greenwich Park explosion, the assistant commissioner is virtually quoting Heat when he says what?
(a) "There is always someone willing to talk in exchange for a reduced sentence."
(b) "We can put our finger on every anarchist here."
(c) "We were able to pinpoint the perpetrator of this incident in under twenty-four hours."
(d) "We can locate any terrorist within a day."

14. What is Winnie concerned about while Mr. Verloc is on his trip in Chapter 9?
(a) Stevie's depression due to his encounter with the cab driver.
(b) Stevie's depression due to the police not providing for the poor.
(c) Stevie's depression due to Mr. Verloc's return.
(d) Stevie's depression due to his mother suddenly leaving.

15. How did Mrs. Verloc's mother convince officials to allow her a place in a charity home when she had family to take care of her?
(a) She had her simple-minded son along when she was interviewed to stress her family's plight.
(b) She cried each time she was pushed for answers and charmed her way with the officials.
(c) She flirted with the main official who interviewed her and he was attracted to her.
(d) She agreed to work in the kitchen or help with other disabled residents if she were allowed in.

Short Answer Questions

1. With the fear of the gallows looming ahead of her, what is it Winnie initially decides to do on the night of Mr. Verloc's death?

2. When it becomes apparent during their confrontation that Winnie wants to leave him, what does Mr. Verloc say to get a response from her?

3. On the afternoon he returns from his trip, why does Mr. Verloc decides he will go outside?

4. What is Winnie's response to Mr. Verloc immediately after Heat leaves their home?

5. In Chapter 10, what is the initial destination the Assistant Commissioner goes to for the second time that evening?

(see the answer keys)

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