The Secret Agent Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Agent Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mr. Verloc attempt to convince his wife of concerning their relationship in their conversation after Heat departs their home?
(a) How deeply in love he is with her and that should be sufficient for now.
(b) How deeply in love he is with her and will do anything to make Winnie's loss up to her.
(c) That he has done everything he could to support her and her family and that should be sufficient.
(d) How they will be able to sell the shop and live freely in the country without further troubles as he has been granted immunity for his testimony.

2. In addition to being aware that Winnie's mother left, what else is Mr. Verloc's reaction to the domestic troubles in his home?
(a) While concerned, he is trusting Winnie will resolve them.
(b) He tells Winnie to hire a neighbor to clean and he will help too.
(c) He is mainly oblivious.
(d) He approaches Winnie in an attempt to resolve them.

3. What is Winnie's response to Mr. Verloc immediately after Heat leaves their home?
(a) She listens, but nothing is registering as she is simultaneously thinking about the times she spent with Stevie and her mother.
(b) She refuses to listen, only thinking about her brother and and mother, and the sacrifices she has made for them.
(c) She only barely listens, thinking more about Stevie and her mother, and sacrifices she has made for them.
(d) She listens, also thinking about Stevie and the sacrifices she has made for her brother.

4. What is Mr. Verloc's reaction to his mother-in-law's decision to move out?
(a) He is troubled only because Winnie has made it clear she is very concerned.
(b) While there is one less mouth to feed, it bothers him that there is also one less to aid in Stevie's care.
(c) It does not actually matter much to him, and he is relatively unaffected.
(d) He is grateful there is but one of his wife's family he now must be concerned.

5. Which type of fish does the assistant commissioner eventually tell Private Secretary Toodles he is pursuing in connection with the Greenwich Park bombing case on the evening of that incident?
(a) A sardine.
(b) A whale.
(c) A minnow.
(d) A dog-fish.

6. On the evening of Mr. Verloc's death, Ossipon suggests they take a midnight train away, however, Winnie insists on returning to the shop saying she recalls what?
(a) She failed to lock the shop door.
(b) She left behind a large sum of money.
(c) She left the lights on in the shop.
(d) She failed to lock the shop vault.

7. How does Winnie learn Stevie was killed in the bombing earlier that day at Greenwich Park?
(a) Winnie determines herself it was Stevie as her husband returned late without him and was acting strangely.
(b) Heat shows her Stevie's overcoat name tag and she reads the newspaper article about the bombing.
(c) When Heat figures out it was Winnie's brother who was killed, he then delivers this news to her in person.
(d) Winnie listened through the keyhole between the parlor and the kitchen when Heat interviewed her husband.

8. How does Mrs. Verloc feel about her mother's decision to move out?
(a) She feels slighted and so readily agrees.
(b) She feels slighted and is unhappy.
(c) She is upset, but understands.
(d) She is happy her mother has a place to live.

9. Who does the assistant commissioner send a note to before he departs his office for the second time on the evening of the Greenwich Park explosion?
(a) Michaelis's patroness.
(b) His wife.
(c) Heat.
(d) The police commissioner.

10. On the evening of Stevie's death after Winnie has gone upstairs, what happens when Mr. Verloc enters his parlor and finds the meal his wife prepared earlier laid out?
(a) Mr. Verloc skips the meal, goes upstairs, and continues attempting to convince Winnie he deeply loves her.
(b) Mr. Verloc suddenly becomes very hungry and eats quickly, leaving the arving knife on a plate.
(c) Mr. Verloc is not at all hungry given the death of Stevie, and the sight of the meal disturbs him.
(d) Mr. Verloc sees the meal, becomes upset at the sight, and carries it into the kitchen, leaving the carving knife behind on a plate.

11. Following a verbal confrontation between Winnie and Mr. Verloc on the evening she learns of Stevie's death, what does her Mr. Verloc presume?
(a) He is convinced he will be going to prison soon, and Winnie will need to operate the shop.
(b) She needs to make herself ready so they may depart at a moment's notice.
(c) He will be arrested soon if they do not sell the shop quickly and leave the country.
(d) He is convinced he will be going to court soon, and Winnie will need to operate the shop.

12. What does Mr. Verloc tell his wife when he finds her right after Heat leaves their home?
(a) He says how sorry he is that Stevie died.
(b) He begins to describe his second life as a secret agent, and explains all that has transpired so far, except how Stevie was killed.
(c) He begins to describe his second life as a secret agent, and he explains all that has transpired so far.
(d) He begins to describe his second life as a secret agent. but in thinking how he must describe Stevie's death to Winnie begins to cry.

13. When confronting Mr. Vladimir on the evening of the Greenwich Park explosion, the assistant commissioner is virtually quoting Heat when he says what?
(a) "There is always someone willing to talk in exchange for a reduced sentence."
(b) "We can put our finger on every anarchist here."
(c) "We can locate any terrorist within a day."
(d) "We were able to pinpoint the perpetrator of this incident in under twenty-four hours."

14. What does Mr. Verloc give his wife to hide on the evening of the bombing, and where does she place it?
(a) A leather purse containing banknotes that she places under the mattress of their bed.
(b) A briefcase containing papers that she hides behind a tall, grandfather clock.
(c) A pigskin pocketbook containing a large quantity of money that she secures under her bodice.
(d) A locked satchel containing bomb components that she places in the attic.

15. What is Mr. Verloc's initial response to his wife's request concerning Stevie, in Chapter 9?
(a) Although his wife has not made such a request previously, he is not surprised now that her mother has left.
(b) He is surprised, as his wife has never made such a request previously.
(c) While she has made no such request before, his wife's asking now is no surprise given her emotions lately.
(d) He is not surprised, as his wife has made such requests several times before.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Stevie's reaction when he later talks to the cab driver and learns of his plight in caring for four children and wife while having to do cab work at night?

2. To which neighborhood does the Assistant Commissioner travel quickly by hansom from Soho on the evening of the Greenwich Park blast?

3. Specifically, what is it Winnie offers in exchange for Ossipon's assistance in escape on the evening of Mr. Verloc's demise?

4. What does Winnie think about Mr. Verloc and Stevie when she last saw them together?

5. To whom does Winnie's mother entrust what she views as her most valuable asset, her son Stevie?

(see the answer keys)

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