The Secret Agent Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Agent Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where in Mr. Verloc's residence does the meeting of the International Red Committee take place?
(a) In a back room.
(b) In the parlor.
(c) In a room over his pornography shop.
(d) In the basement.

2. Where do Mr. Wurmt and Mr. Verloc have their single meeting in the story?
(a) London.
(b) Berlin.
(c) Moscow.
(d) Paris.

3. What does Heat do when making his incomplete, initial report on the Greenwich Park explosion to the assistant commissioner and he is pressured to open up?
(a) Heat reveals the item he obtained from the coroner's office.
(b) Heat only reveals Mrs. Verloc was on the train from Maze Hill.
(c) Heat maintains he has no information about Michaelis.
(d) Heat reveals his displeasure with his supervisor and nothing more.

4. Where is Mr. Verloc's shop located?
(a) Toward the front of his large, stone home.
(b) In a shop one block from his brick home.
(c) Toward the front of his small, brick home.
(d) It covers the entire first floor of his frame home.

5. Which phrase best describes Winnie?
(a) A tireless, caring person.
(b) A self-centered, hard-working woman.
(c) A shiftless, indolent soul.
(d) A lazy, shy individual.

6. What does the hand of the professor tighten upon as he encounters Heat for the first time?
(a) A bomb detonator.
(b) A pistol.
(c) Poison.
(d) A knife.

7. When initially briefed by Heat on the Greenwich Park explosion, what is the assistant commissioner told when he asks if the Verlock residence was being watched?
(a) Heat states it was not, but assures him he will initiate it immediately.
(b) Heat assures him the home is watched around the clock.
(c) Heat assures him that takes place only after dark.
(d) Heat assures him that is not the case.

8. Where did The Professor get his nickname?
(a) He once worked as an assistant at a technical school.
(b) He once taught chemistry at a secondary school.
(c) He once was a pharmaceutical technician.
(d) He once taught chemistry at a university.

9. Where did Mr. Verloc live before he got married?
(a) In Belgravia Square.
(b) Near Trafalgar Square.
(c) In Greenwich Park.
(d) In view of the Thames River.

10. What did Heat tell his supervisor were everywhere at the scene of the Greenwich Park explosion?
(a) Glass slivers and bits.
(b) Tin strips and bits.
(c) Ceramic chips and bits.
(d) Cardboard shreds and bits.

11. Who is the spy named in the title of The Secret Agent?
(a) Mrs. Verloc.
(b) Mr. Vladimir.
(c) Mr. Verloc.
(d) Mr. Wurmt.

12. As he investigates the Greenwich Park explosion, what is Heat's reaction when he initially eyes the professor?
(a) Heat believes this individual is in no way connected to the explosion and dismisses him.
(b) Heat believes someone else is culpable and dismisses him.
(c) Heat is certain no bomber would have survived the explosion and does not feel this individual is involved.
(d) Heat dismisses him, declaring he has no interest in him today.

13. In addition to Winnie and Stevie, who else lives with Mr. Verloc?
(a) His sister-in-law.
(b) His mother-in-law.
(c) His father-in-law.
(d) His niece.

14. What does Mr. Verloc stipulate will be required to carry out Vladimir's bomb plot?
(a) No further funds at all.
(b) A modest sum of money.
(c) No further funds than the amount he receives monthly.
(d) A large sum of money.

15. What is the professor's reply when Ossipon asks if he has heard about the morning bomb explosion in Greenwich Park?
(a) That he was not surprised when he learned of it earlier that day.
(b) That he had not heard, but was not surprised.
(c) That he was surprised when he learned of it earlier that day.
(d) That he had heard and was not surprised.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the occupation of Lombroso?

2. While speaking with the Professor, Ossipon gains information that leads him to believe who was blown up in the Greenwich Park explosion?

3. Where does the professor initially encounter Chief Inspector Heat while the latter is conducting his inspection of the Greenwich Park explosion?

4. Although initially insisting he works independently, the professor eventually confesses that he recently had sold what?

5. What is Mr. Verloc's response to his first contact with Mr. Vladimir?

(see the answer keys)

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