The Secret Agent Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Agent Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 13.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Winnie think about Mr. Verloc and Stevie when she last saw them together?
(a) How much they appeared like a father and his son together.
(b) How much they appeared like an older and a younger brother together.
(c) How much they appeared like a grandfather and his grandson together.
(d) How much they appeared like her husband and one of his peculiar friends together.

2. What does Mr. Verloc attempt to convince his wife of concerning their relationship in their conversation after Heat departs their home?
(a) How deeply in love he is with her and that should be sufficient for now.
(b) That he has done everything he could to support her and her family and that should be sufficient.
(c) How they will be able to sell the shop and live freely in the country without further troubles as he has been granted immunity for his testimony.
(d) How deeply in love he is with her and will do anything to make Winnie's loss up to her.

3. What does Heat tell the Assistant Commissioner that a witness spotted in Greenwich Park prior to the explosion that morning?
(a) A young, fair-haired woman and an older, stockier man.
(b) Two young men, an average, fair-haired one and a thinner, dark-haired one.
(c) Two men, a fair-haired one and an older, stockier one.
(d) Two middle-aged men, a thinner, dark-haired one and a stocky, fair-haired one.

4. What concern does the secretary of state express when briefed by the assistant commissioner regarding his suspect of the Greenwich Park explosion?
(a) That Mr. Vladimir was not arrested and interrogated.
(b) That Mrs. Verloc was not questioned and placed under house arrest.
(c) That Mr. Verloc was not put in prison.
(d) That Mr. Vladimir was not put in prison.

5. Which member of the Red Committee expresses his opinion that Stevie is capable of becoming a criminal as he views her sibling as a degenerate?
(a) Yundt.
(b) Michaelis.
(c) Ossipon.
(d) Mr. Verloc.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is it that Ossipon wonders about for a brief time subsequent to learning of the Greenwich Park explosion and suspecting who was killed?

2. What causes Stevie extreme difficulty in maintaining a job?

3. Who does the assistant commissioner find outside the Verloc pornography shop on the evening of the Greenwich Park bombing?

4. Who is Mr. Wurmt?

5. In Ossipon's discussion with the professor at the latter's residence, who is said not to read newspapers as they make him sad?

(see the answer key)

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