The Secret Agent Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Agent Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In addition to Winnie and Stevie, who else lives with Mr. Verloc?
(a) His mother-in-law.
(b) His niece.
(c) His father-in-law.
(d) His sister-in-law.

2. The Secret Agent is a novel centered on the attempt in 1894 to destroy what?
(a) The Greenwich Observatory.
(b) Trafalgar Square.
(c) The London Bridge.
(d) Buckingham Palace.

3. What route does Red Committee group member Michaelis say is the answer to the current social ills?
(a) Emotion and riotous action are essential and knowledge is unhelpful.
(b) Maintaining a stable economic status.
(c) Bombing of scientific institutions.
(d) Patience and action through the arts, sciences, and education.

4. How is the assistant commissioner feeling about his decision to take his new law enforcement position in London?
(a) He is happily settled in.
(b) He is not happily settled in, but does not miss the hassle of conducting investigations.
(c) He is happily settled in, but does miss the satisfaction of closing investigations with convictions of criminals.
(d) He is not happily settled in.

5. The bomb The Professor carries on his person at all times is designed to kill anyone within how many feet of him?
(a) Seventy-five feet.
(b) Twenty-five feet.
(c) One hundred feet.
(d) Fifty feet.

Short Answer Questions

1. What goal does Mr. Vladimir hope to achieve?

2. A bombing of what facility does Mr. Vladimir suggest would create fear and provoke a reaction toward change?

3. Where did Heat have his initial encounter with Mr. Verloc some time ago?

4. During his conversation with the professor on the afternoon of the Greenwich Park explosion, Ossipon expresses how he was acquainted with the individual he assumes was killed and describes the person's sole talent as what?

5. What does the professor say his sole goal in life is?

(see the answer key)

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