Scribbler of Dreams Test | Final Test - Easy

Mary E. Pearson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Scribbler of Dreams Test | Final Test - Easy

Mary E. Pearson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bram tell Kaitlin in Chapter 26?
(a) His mother has a secret
(b) The land deal has fallen through
(c) His father is still alive
(d) He can't date her anymore

2. In her discussion in Chapter 28, what does Kaitlin reveal about her prayer?
(a) It was a mistake
(b) It was embarrassing to her
(c) It was a ruse
(d) It was genuine

3. How do Kaitlin and her sister feel when their father returns home?
(a) Happy
(b) Stifled
(c) Surprised
(d) Irritated

4. Where does Bram want to go in Chapter 19?
(a) To the hospital
(b) To his family land
(c) To his father's grave
(d) To the school roof

5. Why does Bram try to attack Rick?
(a) He thinks Rick is trying to scare Kaitlin
(b) He thinks Rick is lying
(c) He thinks Rick is long-lost brother
(d) He thinks Rick is a Malone

6. Why is Becky furious with Kaitlin in Chapter 19?
(a) Becky has also been dating Bram
(b) Kaitlin forgot about Becky's birthday dinner
(c) Becky has been yelled at by Kaitlin's mother
(d) Kaitlin allows Bram to believe that Becky is dying

7. What does Kaitlin tell her family about Bram in Chapter 25?
(a) He doesn't know she is a Malone
(b) He is responsible for his father's death
(c) He really likes the Malones
(d) He is Jack's son

8. In Chapter 25, what do Kaitlin's parents demand to know from her?
(a) Why Becky keeps calling the house
(b) How she knew about Rick's plot with the Crutchfields
(c) Who her rumored boyfriend is
(d) Her plans for college

9. Who is Hortensia?
(a) Kaitlin's aunt
(b) The Crutchfields' maid
(c) The Crutchfields' lawyer
(d) A Malone neighbor

10. What does Kaitlin pray for at dinner in Chapter 25?
(a) For the land deal
(b) For her family's health
(c) For college acceptance letters
(d) The Crutchfields

11. In Chapter 23, what does Kaitlin realize will increase the hatred between the Malones and Crutchfields?
(a) Getting married to Bram
(b) Sabotaging the land deal with explosives
(c) Exposing the Crutchfield schemes
(d) Sending Maggie's diaries for publication

12. Who does Kaitlin recall Rick met with in Chapter 23?
(a) Bram
(b) Jack
(c) Allison
(d) Her father

13. What does Kaitlin nearly do in Chapter 20?
(a) Drive her car into a farm field post
(b) Confess her true identity
(c) Forget to send in her college application
(d) Tell her father about Bram

14. What does Kaitlin ask to borrow when Rick enters the office in Chapter 21?
(a) A three-hole punch
(b) A pencil
(c) A stapler
(d) A stopwatch

15. Why is Kaitlin angry with her ancestors in Chapter 17?
(a) They farmed instead of getting rich like the Crutchfields
(b) They chose to do something as dull as growing tomatoes with their lives
(c) They didn't choose their neighbors wisely
(d) Their actions have made her relationship with Bram difficult

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 17, who does Kaitlin realize she has a lot in common with?

2. Why does Kaitlin go to see Becky in Chapter 27?

3. What does Kaitlin liken herself to in Chapter 17?

4. In Chapter 21, what does it seem Kaitlin and her sister will soon be able to do.

5. In Chapter 27, what does Kaitlin believe she and Bram can have?

(see the answer keys)

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