Schindler's List Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Schindler's List Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Oskar, Emilie and the rest of the Brinnlitz group were caught after slipping through a wire fence into what country?
(a) Poland.
(b) Germany.
(c) Switzerland.
(d) Czechoslovakia.

2. What phrase was on the posters that went up in Oskar's hometown?
(a) We'll win the war without you, Jew.
(b) Jews--lice--danger.
(c) Keep the Jewish criminals out.
(d) No Jews, no way!

3. How many of the Goleszow quarry prisoners arrived at Brinnlitz alive?
(a) Around 50.
(b) Almost 250.
(c) Around 100.
(d) Nearly all the 1,000 loaded into the freight cars.

4. Where were Schindler's female workers sent, rather than Brinnlitz?
(a) Breslau.
(b) Belzec.
(c) Auschwitz.
(d) Birkenau.

5. To what destination did Oskar sail in the Epilogue?
(a) Australia.
(b) America.
(c) Argentina.
(d) England.

6. What did Stern have engraved on Oskar's ring?
(a) Every man is an island.
(b) Our savior.
(c) Through God, anything is possible.
(d) He who saves a single life saves the world.

7. How many people does Keneally say were found hiding by the SS and killed in the final clearance of the Jewish ghetto in Cracow?
(a) 2,000.
(b) 5,000.
(c) 4,000.
(d) 3,000.

8. Why did Amon Goeth set up the Chilowicz family for a sure death sentence?
(a) They knew enough about Goeth's rackets to expose him if they were transferred to another camp.
(b) He had discovered an elaborate escape plan that Mr. Chilowicz was behind.
(c) Mrs. Chilowicz had become pregnant.
(d) They had recently developed connections to news agencies on the outside.

9. Who was the engineer of Schindler's new housing for his workers?
(a) Wilek Chilowicz.
(b) Rolf Hammerschmith.
(c) Adam Garde.
(d) Willi Kunde.

10. Who did Amon order to shoot Helen Hirsch?
(a) Petr and Ivan.
(b) An SS Sergeant.
(c) Governor General Frank.
(d) Eric Sussmuth.

11. About whom was Amon Goeth really worried in Chapter 29?
(a) Marysia Chilowicz.
(b) Wilhelm Koppe.
(c) Mietek Finkelstein.
(d) Wilek Chilowicz.

12. Of the 10,000 men who were marched toward Gross-Rosen, how many did Moshe Henigman say were alive after 10 days?
(a) 1,000.
(b) 1,500.
(c) 1,200.
(d) 2,500.

13. Moshe Bejski, Oskar's former forger of documents, was employed after the war in Tel Aviv in what profession?
(a) A pilot.
(b) A doctor.
(c) A lawyer.
(d) A locksmith.

14. What happens to Amon Goeth in Chapter 31?
(a) His camp is closed.
(b) He is promoted to Hauptsturmfuhrer.
(c) He is arrested.
(d) He is killed.

15. Two truckloads of what food arrived on the day of Oskar's 37th birthday?
(a) White bread.
(b) Onions.
(c) Ground wheat.
(d) Parsnips.

Short Answer Questions

1. What signal did Schindler want Stern to use to point out an item of interest to Sedlacek and Babar?

2. Schindler went from protecting the Jews like his own children, to. . .

3. Where did Poldek Pfefferberg hide while looking for his wife?

4. When Oskar returns to Cracow from the Sudetenland, what does he find has happened to two of his barracks?

5. What type of activity did Oskar tell Hassebroeck that Liepold longed to do, and so should be given the opportunity?

(see the answer keys)

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