Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long do some of the students at Morris High School think it will be before blacks and whites work together to better public education?
(a) 300 years.
(b) 400 years.
(c) 100 years.
(d) 200 years.

2. According to Kozol, students in what racial group are more often categorized as retarded?
(a) Black.
(b) White.
(c) Asian.
(d) Hispanic.

3. How does Harper's mother describe her life in an Anacostia neighborhood?
(a) Living on cloud nine.
(b) A cold death.
(c) A train wreck.
(d) A battle zone.

4. How low does Kozol report you can purchase a home for in North Camden?
(a) $4,000.
(b) $1,000.
(c) $7,000.
(d) $10,000.

5. What did the press report soon after Kozol's visit to the Anacostia elementary school?
(a) A prostitution round-up.
(b) A lawsuit against the public schools in D.C.
(c) A muder at the school.
(d) Statistics about the D.C. dropout rate.

6. According to the principal, how much does Woodrow Wilson spend yearly on each student?
(a) $2,000.
(b) $5,000.
(c) $3,000.
(d) $4,000.

7. What type of industry was Camden famous for at one point?
(a) Chemical plants.
(b) Pharmacuticals.
(c) Manufacturing.
(d) Farming.

8. According to Kozol, what does the city of New York supply each ghetto school with?
(a) Pepper spray.
(b) Handcuffs.
(c) Guns.
(d) Police escorts.

9. According to Delabian Rice Thurston, where do the rich in Washington, D.C. try to send their children?
(a) Boarding school.
(b) Public school.
(c) Private school.
(d) Catholic school.

10. Who does the press hail as the answer to solving local school problems?
(a) Non-white leaders.
(b) White leaders.
(c) School administrators.
(d) Government officials.

11. At what age does the principal in Anacostia say many of the boys in her school will be dead?
(a) 21.
(b) 18.
(c) 28.
(d) 25.

12. According to Kozol, what is the estimated worth of the education a child receives in the inner city of New York?
(a) $4,000.
(b) $5,500.
(c) $4,500.
(d) $5,000.

13. According to Kozol, how many people are supposed to be in PS261 at one time?
(a) 800.
(b) 1100.
(c) 1000.
(d) 900.

14. What do the students at Camden High School do during their lunch hour?
(a) They leave school to obtain lunch elsewhere.
(b) Eat lunch in the cafeteria.
(c) Attend a remedial class.
(d) Get bused to a school in Cherry Hill.

15. Who are the manual arts classes in the Riverdale school reserved for?
(a) The special education students.
(b) The honors students.
(c) Truant students.
(d) Students with an interest in the manual arts.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kozol say Camden's entire property wealth of $250 million is less than the value of?

2. Why does one of the psychiatrists that Kozol speaks to believe many whites think more money will not help inner city schools?

3. What business entities exist in Camden but do not pay taxes?

4. What was the former purpose of the building that houses PS261?

5. What term does Harper describe as "you crawl along the street and look for rocks. You look for rocks that other people spill. You crawl along your knees..."

(see the answer keys)

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