Saint Joan Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Saint Joan Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Scene 6, what does Joan risk by not submitting to the church officials' demands?
(a) Banishment.
(b) Excommunication.
(c) Lifelong imprisonment.
(d) Being tortured.

2. What happens to one young woman who stands up for Joan's cause?
(a) She was excommunicated from the Catholic Church.
(b) She was thrown in jail.
(c) She was beheaded.
(d) She was burned at the stake.

3. Where does the ceremony take place in Scene 5?
(a) The cathedral at Alsace.
(b) The cathedral at Champagne.
(c) The cathedral at Rheims.
(d) In the royal palace.

4. Joan's demeanor during the trial is what?
(a) Confrontational.
(b) Obstinate.
(c) Nervous.
(d) Fearful.

5. What do the church officials want Joan to admit to in Scene 6?
(a) Sorcery.
(b) Sins against the king.
(c) Heresy.
(d) Treason.

6. Why is Joan warned about sinning in Scene 5?
(a) She refuses to get out of bed.
(b) She overeats at the banquet.
(c) She delineates her military successes for her audience.
(d) She continuously follows one of the French commanders.

7. Joan is single-minded about ____________ once she has been successful at the Battle of Orleans.
(a) Her relationship with God.
(b) Her purpose in life.
(c) Her eagerness to get home.
(d) Her pursuit of war.

8. In what year does Scene 6 open?
(a) 1431.
(b) 1453.
(c) 1492.
(d) 1433.

9. What is Joan's suggestion to the king and his advisers in Scene 5?
(a) That they continue in war.
(b) That they ally with Italy in a war against England.
(c) That they make her queen.
(d) That they trust her in all matters of state.

10. Why does the king turn down Joan's request to go to Paris in Scene 5?
(a) He wants her to go home to her family.
(b) He wants to make her queen.
(c) The state coffers are empty.
(d) He is tired of war.

11. What has led to the ceremony at the cathedral in Scene 5?
(a) The Dauphin's arranged engagement to a Spanish princess.
(b) Joan's intervention and military success.
(c) The miraculous birth of the Dauphin's first born son.
(d) Joan's visions and success convinced the Dauphin to become a Christian.

12. The church officials believe that Joan has committed violations against __________________.
(a) The English monarchy.
(b) The French monarchy.
(c) God and country.
(d) The Catholic religion.

13. To whom is Joan sold in Scene 6?
(a) The Dauphin.
(b) The English.
(c) The Spanish.
(d) The Catholic Church.

14. In Scene 4, the men discussing Joan fear she is a threat to what system?
(a) The feudal system.
(b) The military system.
(c) The caste system.
(d) The church system.

15. In Scene 5, the French advisers give Joan an example of what happened to one young girl who stood up for her cause. Where was this woman?
(a) University of London.
(b) University of Paris.
(c) University of Athens.
(d) Oxford.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Scene 4, it is believed that __________ about Joan may cause the common individuals to defect.

2. The Dauphin goes through a ceremony in Scene 5. What is that ceremony?

3. What has happened to Joan in the beginning of Scene 6?

4. Where in the cathedral do Joan and the officer have their conversation?

5. In Scene 5, why is the king concerned about the lack of state funds?

(see the answer keys)

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