Saint Joan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Saint Joan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Joan hopes to convince the leader of her country to do what in Scene 1?
(a) Raise the alarm about the eclipse.
(b) Raise a siege.
(c) Raise her rival's home.
(d) Raise a litter of puppies she can't take care of.

2. What is the French commander doing in the beginning of Scene 3?
(a) Lamenting.
(b) Planning strategy.
(c) Eating.
(d) Speaking with his second-in-command.

3. What is the name of the castle in which the play opens?
(a) Vaucouleurs.
(b) Valençay.
(c) Château d' Azay-le-Rideau.
(d) Chambord.

4. What is the second item that Robert gives to Joan in Scene 1?
(a) A chicken.
(b) A horse.
(c) A magic bird.
(d) A cow.

5. What has happened to the French army in the beginning of Scene 3?
(a) They have been defeated by the English.
(b) Their morale has dropped.
(c) They have deserted the cause.
(d) They have stalled.

6. To whom does Joan make a request after the Dauphin gives her military control?
(a) The Virgin Mary.
(b) St. Margaret.
(c) God.
(d) Gilles de Rais.

7. Why does the French commander not allow Joan to move forward to attack?
(a) Because he will not allow a woman to lead his army.
(b) Because the English army is too powerful.
(c) Because of unfavorable wind conditions.
(d) Because he thinks Joan doesn't have any idea what she is doing.

8. Who lives in the castle mentioned in Scene 1?
(a) The King of England.
(b) A military officer.
(c) The Dauphin.
(d) The castle is abandoned.

9. What does the French commander desperately need in Scene 3?
(a) Rest for his army.
(b) A westward wind.
(c) Food for his army.
(d) Reinforcements.

10. In Scene 2, what subject is being discussed by the Archbishop and Lord Chamberlain de la Tremouille?
(a) The dour state of France.
(b) A plan to overthrow the Dauphin.
(c) What to have for dinner.
(d) Financial matters of state.

11. What is the cause of the lack of eggs for Robert's breakfast in Scene 1?
(a) The hens are diseased.
(b) The eggs were stepped on.
(c) Maid Joan's presence.
(d) A fox killed the hens.

12. In Scene 2, what does Joan raise after being given control of the military?
(a) The royal decree written on parchment.
(b) Her sword.
(c) The royal crown.
(d) The Dauphin's spirits.

13. Why is Robert angry in Scene 1?
(a) There are no eggs for his breakfast.
(b) His wife has run off with the steward.
(c) His political allies have turned traitor.
(d) His castle has no running water.

14. In Scene 2, who tries to trick Joan into thinking he is the Dauphin?
(a) Lord Chamberlain de la Tremouille.
(b) Bluebeard.
(c) Archbishop of Rheims.
(d) All of the answers are correct.

15. In Scene 3, what has Joan gained access to that is considered evidence of her reputation?
(a) The Ark of the Covenant.
(b) The cathedral at Rheims.
(c) Leaders.
(d) The chasse.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who lives in the castle mentioned at the opening of the play?

2. What is the third thing that Robert gives Joan in Scene 1?

3. In Scene 2, who joins the two men awaiting the Dauphin's arrival?

4. Who is incredulous and angry at his steward in Scene 1?

5. How does the Dauphin feel about Joan's convictions in Scene 2?

(see the answer keys)

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