Saint Joan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Saint Joan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Robert hope will help the troops with Joan's presence?
(a) Beauty and strength.
(b) An heirloom sword.
(c) A big gun.
(d) Fervor and talk of God.

2. Why does the French commander not allow Joan to move forward to attack?
(a) Because he thinks Joan doesn't have any idea what she is doing.
(b) Because the English army is too powerful.
(c) Because of unfavorable wind conditions.
(d) Because he will not allow a woman to lead his army.

3. Who informs Robert of the hens' recovery in Scene 1?
(a) His wife.
(b) A disembodied voice.
(c) Joan.
(d) His steward.

4. The hens' recovery at the end of Scene 1 proves what to Robert?
(a) That he needs to buy new hens.
(b) That the hens were just being stubborn.
(c) That Joan is sent by God.
(d) That their illness was easily cured.

5. In Scene 3, what is the goal of the French army?
(a) To defeat the English army.
(b) To swim across the river.
(c) To find a way to obtain food for their starving troops.
(d) To come up with a new formation to fool the English army.

6. What does the French commander desperately need in Scene 3?
(a) Food for his army.
(b) A westward wind.
(c) Rest for his army.
(d) Reinforcements.

7. In Scene 3, what proves that Joan's power has risen significantly?
(a) The English army surrenders to Joan's French army.
(b) The fact that she has acquired an army and led it to Orleans.
(c) The army's dedication to her.
(d) The blessing of the Archbishop.

8. To what location does Joan accompany the French leader in Scene 3?
(a) A church.
(b) A grotto.
(c) The English castle.
(d) The Dauphin's castle.

9. What news does Bluebeard bring?
(a) That the war is being lost by the French.
(b) That Joan is approaching the castle.
(c) That the war is being lost by the English.
(d) That the Dauphin has passed away.

10. What country is the setting for this play?
(a) France.
(b) Switzerland.
(c) Russia.
(d) England.

11. In Scene 1, what animals does the steward say are not producing?
(a) The birds.
(b) The horses.
(c) The cows.
(d) The hens.

12. Who is incredulous and angry at his steward in Scene 1?
(a) de Richeleau.
(b) Lord Chamberlain.
(c) Robert de Baudricourt.
(d) Le Compte de Chablis.

13. What has happened to the French army in the beginning of Scene 3?
(a) Their morale has dropped.
(b) They have stalled.
(c) They have been defeated by the English.
(d) They have deserted the cause.

14. Who is the leader that Joan hopes to influence in Scene 1?
(a) The Dauphin.
(b) The Prince.
(c) The King.
(d) The Queen.

15. What is one of the items Joan convinces Robert to give her in Scene 1?
(a) Armor.
(b) A cross.
(c) A ride into the nearest city.
(d) Gold.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Joan agree to do for the French commander?

2. What is the cause of the lack of eggs for Robert's breakfast in Scene 1?

3. What is the second item that Robert gives to Joan in Scene 1?

4. To whom does the Dauphin owe a financial debt?

5. What is Robert's profession?

(see the answer keys)

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