Saint Maybe Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Saint Maybe Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are Thomas and Agatha doing while their mother naps in the beginning of Chapter Two?
(a) Building legos.
(b) Drawing.
(c) Coloring.
(d) Playing with playdough.

2. What does Daphne want to take to Day Camp as a toddler?
(a) Her pet bird.
(b) Her blanket.
(c) Her favorite doll.
(d) Her lawn mower pull toy.

3. In the car ride home after the picnic, who says that Ian is a whole different person?
(a) Ian.
(b) Claudia.
(c) Doug.
(d) Bee.

4. Who tells Thomas that he cannot look in his mother's jewelry box because he can't keep secrets?
(a) Bee.
(b) Ian.
(c) Daphne.
(d) Agatha.

5. What does Ian tell Claudia when they're in the kitchen lighting the candles on their father's birthday cake?
(a) That he has a new job.
(b) That he's going to college.
(c) That he wants to tell Danny that Daphne was not premature.
(d) That he's in trouble with the police.

6. When Ian arrives home from college for Lucy's funeral, what does Bee do the first night he is home?
(a) Takes Agatha for a haircut.
(b) Helps him take care of Daphne.
(c) Gives him Daphne and goes to bed.
(d) Makes a cake.

7. What does Mrs. Myrdal say she caught Lucy shoplifting during one of their excursions together?
(a) Jeans.
(b) A silk blouse.
(c) Shoes.
(d) A red dress.

8. How many children does Lucy have before she marries Danny?
(a) One.
(b) None.
(c) Three.
(d) Two.

9. Who stays at Claudia's birthday party for only a few minutes before leaving with some friends from college?
(a) Billy.
(b) Cicely.
(c) Ian.
(d) Abby.

10. How does Danny kill himself?
(a) By getting hit by a car while walking home.
(b) By taking too many drugs.
(c) By crashing his car into a stone wall.
(d) By falling asleep while driving.

11. How does Agatha wake up Lucy when she's been sleeping for a long time?
(a) A spoonful of instant coffee in a coke.
(b) Loud music.
(c) Fresh air.
(d) Shouting.

12. Who is the only person who knows how guilty Ian feels about Danny's death?
(a) Agatha.
(b) Claudia.
(c) Lucy.
(d) Cicely.

13. In chapter Two, what does Lucy steal from the drug store after visiting the typewriter store?
(a) Gummy bears.
(b) Life savers.
(c) Protein bars.
(d) Chocolate bars.

14. Who wears a stiff white shirt and black pants to the Day Camp?
(a) Doug.
(b) Reverend Emmett.
(c) Ian.
(d) Dr. Deaver.

15. What fairy tale characters does Agatha compare herself and her brother with, after her mother sips a coke and takes pills at her bedside?
(a) Cinderella and Prince Charming.
(b) Beauty and the Beast.
(c) Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
(d) Hansel and Gretel.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom is Doug trying to locate to take care of Lucy's children?

2. Who is Mr. Rumford?

3. How does Ian help Gracie with her apartment in Chapter Five?

4. What is Lucy wearing on her feet when she cleans up the water in the bathroom?

5. Whom does Doug notice on the roof, trying to pass a wire through a window?

(see the answer keys)

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