Ruth Bader Ginsburg: In Her Own Words Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Helena Hunt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: In Her Own Words Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Helena Hunt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part II: Civil Liberties: Free to Be You and Me (American Rights and Values and Equal Justice Under the Law).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one reason Ginsburg does NOT say same-sex marriages should take place?
(a) Homosexuals around the country would riot if they did not receive the same treatment as heterosexual couples.
(b) If you love someone and want to marry that person, it should not matter whether it is the same sex or opposite.
(c) Sexual relations are not for the purpose of procreation alone, so that is not a valid reason for not allowing same-sex marriage.
(d) Homosexual marriages would not take away the benefits for those in heterosexual marriages.

2. Women have played important roles regarding law, according to what sources?
(a) Ancient texts.
(b) Chinese history.
(c) The Constitution.
(d) European kingdoms.

3. What does Ginsburg think about Criticism of the courts, and similarly criticism of other branches of government?
(a) It should not be resented.
(b) It should be ignored.
(c) It should not take place.
(d) It should be silenced.

4. What is missing from the 1787 Constitution and from the Bill of Rights?
(a) The right to bear arms.
(b) The equality guarantee.
(c) Freedom of speech.
(d) Citizens are protected from unreasonable search and seizure.

5. Ginsburg says that she and other female law students felt that if they were called on in class, they had to get it right, because of what reason?
(a) If they did not, the male students would laugh in their faces.
(b) If they did not, they would be kicked out of school.
(c) If they did not, they would be failing.
(d) If they did not, they would be a permanent disappointment to their families.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ginsburg think of most of her dissents?

2. What phrase was Ginsburg known to say often?

3. Why does segregation in many schools still exist?

4. What is the reason that Ginsburg gives for why the press seldom talks about the high level of agreement among all of the justices?

5. Until what year, was there the excuse that citizens who had no vote, no voice in making laws, had no business administering, enforcing, or interpreting them?

(see the answer key)

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