The Runaway Jury Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Runaway Jury Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Easter say to convince Millie that she should still be on the jury?
(a) It is the right thing to do since it is at such a late stage in the trial.
(b) That the judge would not let her off the jury now.
(c) That she should not let anyone else control her.
(d) That Hoppy's safety depends on it.

2. What does Easter tell the Judge when he calls to arrange a meeting with him?
(a) That he has very important information for him.
(b) That other jurors are getting suspicious about their meetings.
(c) That he wants to be removed from the jury.
(d) That he needs more clothes since his apartment burned.

3. What does Christiano tell Hoppy he has to do the next time he visits Millie?
(a) Tell her that his life relies on the vote she makes.
(b) Convince her to change her vote and come clean.
(c) Show her the document again and talk about the case.
(d) Get her to show the document to other jurors.

4. What suggestion does Easter make to get through the thousands of pages of reports that were entered into evidence?
(a) Ignore them and just get ready to vote.
(b) Each take one, skim through it and report back to the rest.
(c) Pass them around each taking a turn to read each report.
(d) Easter will review them and tell everyone else what they say.

5. Which juror claims loudly that he did not vote for this verdict?
(a) Rikki.
(b) Lonnie.
(c) Angel.
(d) Millie.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Cable and Rohr agree on?

2. What is Fitch carrying when he meets Marlee?

3. How does Rohr practice his closing statements?

4. Which juror has chosen to often stay alone?

5. Why does Marcus ask Marlee to stop at 22 million when they are buying and trading stocks?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does FBI Agent Alan Madden do with Napier and Nitchmann?

2. What judgment does the jury present to the court?

3. What is Dr. Gunther's testimony about?

4. What doesn't surprise Fitch that he learns about Marlee?

5. What does Marlee convince Fitch about in regards to Millie and the verdict?

6. What does Lonnie ask Easter and how does Easter respond?

7. What does Beverly Monk wake up thinking about and what does it lead her to do?

8. What does Easter do when he goes into Millie's room to meet with her and Hoppy?

9. What do Fitch and Marlee talk about when they meet an hour after their first meeting?

10. What happens after Derrick's brother bails him out of jail on his way to go and see Angel?

(see the answer keys)

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