The Runaway Jury Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Runaway Jury Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What stance does Durwood Cable take as he begins to talk to the potential jurors?
(a) That smoking is addictive.
(b) That people choose to smoke.
(c) That they must be willing to settle for large payouts.
(d) That jurors must believe the defense more than the plaintiff.

2. What men does Fitch call off?
(a) Those looking into Easter's past.
(b) Those looking into Marlee's past.
(c) Those watching the jurors.
(d) Those working with Hoppy.

3. Where does a bus take the jurors?
(a) Atlanta.
(b) Biloxi.
(c) Memphis.
(d) New Orleans.

4. Who leaves a message at Hoppy's office for Hoppy to contact him as soon as possible?
(a) Marlee.
(b) Rohr.
(c) Easter.
(d) Hull.

5. How does Millie react when Hoppy shows her the document discounting Robilio?
(a) She lays it aside and promises to tell the others.
(b) She throws it on the bed and cries.
(c) She reads it and questions him about it.
(d) She puts it in the trash and tells him they can't talk about it.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the author describe the replacement of Stella with Phillip?

2. What promise does Lonnie make to Teaton?

3. What progress pleased Fitch from over the weekend?

4. What is Fitch waiting for nervously in his office?

5. Why does the Judge release the jury early for the day?

Short Essay Questions

1. What information about the trial do Ken and Ben share with Lonnie Shaver as before their meeting ends?

2. What does the document claim about Robilio that the agents give to Hoppy to show his wife in hopes of swaying her vote?

3. What does Marlee tell Fitch when she calls him this time and then what is the next step she takes?

4. What are Marlee's demands when she meets with Fitch?

5. What does Fitch learn when he requests the jury records from two of his previous cases?

6. What three things does Easter bring to the Judges attention when he meets with him?

7. Who does Small track down in regards to Marlee and what information does this person share?

8. Why have the CEOs of the tobacco companies come together and what is it they created?

9. What are the jurors allowed to do during their lunch break that is different thanks to Easter and how does the jury feel about this change?

10. What did all of the lawyers agree about in regards to Marlee after they received her fax?

(see the answer keys)

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