The Runaway Jury Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Runaway Jury Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Hoppy agree to attempt to bribe?
(a) Shaver.
(b) Hull.
(c) Ringwald.
(d) Easter.

2. Who leaves a message at Hoppy's office for Hoppy to contact him as soon as possible?
(a) Hull.
(b) Marlee.
(c) Easter.
(d) Rohr.

3. Why aren't the men hired by FItch able to continue pursuing Marlee as she gets on the plane?
(a) She changes into a disguise.
(b) She calls the police on them.
(c) They get held up at security.
(d) She loses them in the airport.

4. Why do you think the CEOs have decided to work with Fitch?
(a) He knows all of the jurors personally.
(b) He used to be one of the CEOs.
(c) He won 8 trials without a loss.
(d) He is a smoker.

5. What does Easter tell the other jurors in the jury room?
(a) That he was personally offered a bribe.
(b) He has been followed.
(c) In other trials jurors had been tampered with.
(d) That a woman is tape recording them.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Fitch go to meet with Marlee?

2. How many tobacco companies have come together to create the fund?

3. How does Fitch confirm that David Lancaster, Perry Hirsch and Easter are all the same man?

4. Why is Small sent to Lawrence by Fitch?

5. What do Ken and Ben make clear to Lonnie?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the jurors allowed to do during their lunch break that is different thanks to Easter and how does the jury feel about this change?

2. Who is pardoned by then challenges his dismissal and on what basis does he make this challenge?

3. What does Cleve finally agree to as his terms for Derrick?

4. Who does Small track down in regards to Marlee and what information does this person share?

5. What does Dr. Ueuker testimony reveal and why is it cut short?

6. What happens when the FBI agents take Hoppy down to Dupree's office?

7. What information about the trial do Ken and Ben share with Lonnie Shaver as before their meeting ends?

8. What information do the lawyers at Whitney, Cable and White have on Easter?

9. What does Marlee tell Fitch when she calls him this time and then what is the next step she takes?

10. What does Jankle testify to when he is called as a witness?

(see the answer keys)

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