The Runaway Jury Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Runaway Jury Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What new demand does Maple make as he meets with Cleve?
(a) All of the money up front for five votes.
(b) A lump sum of money regardless of how many votes he can get.
(c) An increase of the amount per vote he wants.
(d) Money up front for one vote and deposits for the others.

2. Which juror has chosen to often stay alone?
(a) Millie.
(b) Phillip.
(c) Henry.
(d) Lonnie.

3. What does Fitch think will happen once he hears Napier and Nitchmann's story?
(a) Millie will vote against the defense.
(b) The FBI will become involved in the verdict.
(c) Marlee will double cross him.
(d) Easter will have to work hard to convince Millie.

4. What does Marlee tell Fitch when she calls him at the pay phone?
(a) That they will be making a deal with Rohr.
(b) That she wants a meeting without being recorded.
(c) That he needs to stop looking into their pasts.
(d) That they will be losing a juror that day.

5. Where do Cleve and Derrick meet to exchange the money?
(a) Restaurant.
(b) Casino.
(c) Motel.
(d) Bar.

6. From what country is Marlee's passport which allows her to get through customs with no difficulties?
(a) Switzerland.
(b) America.
(c) Cayman Islands.
(d) Canada.

7. Where do Easter and Marlee fly when they leave Grand Cayman?
(a) Zurich.
(b) Atlanta.
(c) Canada.
(d) Miami.

8. What is Dr. Myra Sprawling-Goode 's specialty?
(a) Marketing.
(b) Psychology.
(c) Advertising.
(d) Sociology.

9. What do the jurors celebrate before they head off to church?
(a) Millie and Hoppy's anniversary.
(b) Their last day being sequestered.
(c) Loreen's birthday.
(d) The end of the trial.

10. What are the legal professors being interviewed predicting the future of?
(a) Tobacco liability.
(b) Appeals.
(c) Jury verdicts.
(d) Tobacco CEOs.

11. What suggestion does Easter make to get through the thousands of pages of reports that were entered into evidence?
(a) Pass them around each taking a turn to read each report.
(b) Easter will review them and tell everyone else what they say.
(c) Each take one, skim through it and report back to the rest.
(d) Ignore them and just get ready to vote.

12. What does Fitch come clean about during his last meeting with Marlee?
(a) That his men are not really with the FBI.
(b) That he heard about the situation with Angel.
(c) The situation about Hoppy.
(d) That he is still trying to find out about her past.

13. How long does Swanson have to wait for Beverly to show up for their meeting?
(a) 6 hours.
(b) 1 hour.
(c) 8 hours.
(d) 4 hours.

14. What are the jurors allowed to do that they previously had not been allowed to do previously?
(a) Listen to the case long past midnight.
(b) Watch a movie together.
(c) Attend their church services unsupervised.
(d) Have personal visits.

15. What information did Swanson find out about the people he believes to be Marlee's parents?
(a) They died of lung cancer.
(b) They were doctors specializing in lung disease.
(c) They had tobacco farms.
(d) They were researches on smoking issues.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Judge Harkin do before he releases the jury?

2. How does Rohr spend his lunch break?

3. Why does Rohr write the amount $800,000,000 on the whiteboard?

4. Where does Marlee wire the money she makes during her trading sessions?

5. What profession does Dr. McQuade practice?

(see the answer keys)

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