The Runaway Jury Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Runaway Jury Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Marlee tell Fitch when she calls him at the pay phone?
(a) That she wants a meeting without being recorded.
(b) That they will be losing a juror that day.
(c) That they will be making a deal with Rohr.
(d) That he needs to stop looking into their pasts.

2. What does Easter do to Herman's coffee?
(a) Drops poison in it.
(b) Puts hot sauce in it.
(c) Slips pills into .
(d) Pours a liquid in it.

3. Which of the jurors doesn't understand why Mrs. Wood should become a multimillionaire?
(a) Rikki.
(b) Sylvia.
(c) Jerry.
(d) Millie.

4. What does Hoppy report to the two FBI agents when they meet with him?
(a) That he needs more time to convince him.
(b) That he forgot to show the document to her.
(c) That Millie was going to show it to others.
(d) That Millie was not impressed with the document.

5. Who does Marlee tell Fitch will be the next juror to go?
(a) Phillip.
(b) Millie.
(c) Henry.
(d) Lonnie.

6. Why does Lonnie say that Easter can't talk money?
(a) The judge said they can't consider money.
(b) There is too much arguing.
(c) He doesn't have all of the votes.
(d) They aren't allowed to talk about money.

7. What does Fitch do when he hears about the incident with Napier and Nitchmann?
(a) Punches the wall.
(b) Breaks a lamp with his fist.
(c) Tries to get in touch with Marlee.
(d) Calls up Swanson.

8. What suggestion does Easter make to get through the thousands of pages of reports that were entered into evidence?
(a) Easter will review them and tell everyone else what they say.
(b) Each take one, skim through it and report back to the rest.
(c) Ignore them and just get ready to vote.
(d) Pass them around each taking a turn to read each report.

9. What does Fitch think will happen once he hears Napier and Nitchmann's story?
(a) Marlee will double cross him.
(b) Millie will vote against the defense.
(c) The FBI will become involved in the verdict.
(d) Easter will have to work hard to convince Millie.

10. How much money does Marlee ask Fitch for?
(a) 15 million.
(b) 1 million.
(c) 5 million.
(d) 10 million.

11. What does Derrick take from the lobby of Whitney, Cable and White?
(a) List of lawyers.
(b) Stationary.
(c) Business cards.
(d) Mints.

12. From what country is Easter's passport to help him get through customs?
(a) America.
(b) Canada.
(c) United Kingdom.
(d) Cayman Islands.

13. What do Napier and Nitchmann deny?
(a) That they know Hoppy.
(b) That they claimed to be FBI agents.
(c) That they were doing anything wrong.
(d) That they are there to talk about the trial.

14. How does Rohr spend his lunch break?
(a) Trying to get in contact with Marlee.
(b) Talking about which side they believe is winning.
(c) Working to figure out which jurors are on his side.
(d) Talking to Cleve about what to do about Maple.

15. What does Judge Harkin arrange before he reconvenes court?
(a) A microphone so everyone can hear the verdict.
(b) Protection for Easter.
(c) Cameras in the courtroom.
(d) A clear courtroom.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Rohr, Cable and the judge argue about?

2. What do Henry and Easter agree about when they discuss the trial?

3. Who accompanies Easter back to his apartment complex?

4. Which juror claims loudly that he did not vote for this verdict?

5. Which juror has chosen to often stay alone?

(see the answer keys)

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