The Runaway Jury Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Runaway Jury Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Fitch go to meet with Marlee?
(a) Biloxi.
(b) Miami.
(c) Atlanta.
(d) New Orleans.

2. While the jurors are waiting for court to start, how do they mostly divide up into groups?
(a) Gender.
(b) Age.
(c) Profession.
(d) Race.

3. Why does the jury refuse to come out of the jury room when Dell calls them?
(a) They want the judge to listen to them.
(b) They don't want their bags being searched.
(c) They don't want to be sequestered.
(d) They are tired of being watched and followed.

4. How many of the jurors' medical records was Fitch able to secure?
(a) 3 out of 12.
(b) 11 out of 12.
(c) 5 out of 12.
(d) 7 out of 12.

5. Why does Fitch get excited when he sees Fernandez holding a copy of Sports Illustrated?
(a) He realizes the jury can be bought.
(b) It was a special signal just between Fernandez and Fitch.
(c) He knows that Marlee is a liar.
(d) He knows the jury is distracted and not focused on the case.

6. What does Easter do that has Stella share what happened to her while she was in Miami?
(a) He tells her that he thinks he saw someone following her.
(b) He asks her why she continues to keep smoking.
(c) He asks her why she seems so very upset.
(d) He tells her that he was followed over the weekend.

7. Why did Herman Grimes refuse to be forced off of his panel?
(a) Because he is African American.
(b) Because he is blind.
(c) Because he is a smoker.
(d) Because he served previously on another jury.

8. Why did the lunch never show up?
(a) Because someone gave the deli the wrong time.
(b) Because the deli got the date wrong.
(c) Because Easter had it delayed.
(d) Because Judge Harkin canceled it.

9. Where does the beginning of Chapter 2 take place?
(a) Courtroom.
(b) Jury room.
(c) Beach house.
(d) Lawyers office.

10. What information does Fitch uncover on Rikki Coleman?
(a) She does not get along with the other jurors.
(b) She previously accepted a bribe.
(c) She had an abortion before meeting her husband.
(d) She regularly cheats on her husband.

11. What does Wendall Rohr promise to prove in his opening statement?
(a) That smoking is not addictive.
(b) That smoking does not cause cancer.
(c) That smoking is addictive.
(d) That smoking causes cancer.

12. Where does a bus take the jurors?
(a) Memphis.
(b) Atlanta.
(c) New Orleans.
(d) Biloxi.

13. What does Hull tell Hoppy that the money he requested is for?
(a) His required bribe.
(b) The necessary startup costs.
(c) The license fees.
(d) His son's consulting fee.

14. What does Marlee tell Rohr's secretary to do?
(a) Watch for an important fax with important information.
(b) Tell Rohr to keep an eye on Fitch.
(c) That Easter is having private conversations.
(d) That she should make sure that Rohr takes her next call.

15. What does Fitch make sure that Jankle does not have access to?
(a) Easter.
(b) Alcohol.
(c) Tobacco.
(d) Women.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Millie react when Hoppy shows her the document discounting Robilio?

2. Where do Fernanadez and Easter head when they sneak out of the motel?

3. What is clear after the cross examination of Jankley by Rohr?

4. What do the four jury members who do not have loved ones who can share their conjugal visits with them do?

5. What does the woman who runs into Nicholas Easter at Burger King do?

(see the answer keys)

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