The Runaway Jury Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Runaway Jury Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hull tell Hoppy that the money he requested is for?
(a) His son's consulting fee.
(b) The necessary startup costs.
(c) His required bribe.
(d) The license fees.

2. What does Christiano tell Hoppy is the reason for the deal?
(a) Political.
(b) Sense of justice.
(c) Financial.
(d) Looking for a bigger target.

3. What kinds of questions does Nicholas Easter answer when he is talking to the woman in Burger King?
(a) Questions about his attitude about smoking and smokers.
(b) Questions about his morals and values.
(c) Questions about his willingness to accept bribes.
(d) Questions about his financial status.

4. How does the author describe the replacement of Stella with Phillip?
(a) A person who needs to be watched.
(b) A vote for the defense.
(c) A nightmare for both sides.
(d) A new person who can easily be swayed.

5. What does Easter do while Dr. Kilvan is giving his testimony?
(a) Takes notes about the facts that Dr. Kilvan is sharing.
(b) Stares at Fitch within the courtroom.
(c) Sends a note to the judge requesting another conference.
(d) Sends looks to Stella trying to keep her calm.

6. Where does Fitch go to meet with Marlee?
(a) Miami.
(b) New Orleans.
(c) Atlanta.
(d) Biloxi.

7. What is on the video that the jury watches after lunch?
(a) What lungs look like from long-time smokers.
(b) Jacob Wood before he passed away.
(c) How cigarettes are made.
(d) How cigarettes are addictive and what it does to the body.

8. What does Durr Cable offer in his own opening remarks?
(a) That smoking is in no way addictive.
(b) That although cancer can come from smoking, it is not addictive.
(c) Reassurance that the defense's case is solid.
(d) Confession that the CEOs know smoking is addictive.

9. Why did the lunch never show up?
(a) Because someone gave the deli the wrong time.
(b) Because the deli got the date wrong.
(c) Because Easter had it delayed.
(d) Because Judge Harkin canceled it.

10. What does Marlee ask one of the deputies to do?
(a) Give an envelope to Fitch.
(b) Give an envelope to the judge.
(c) Give an envelope to Easter.
(d) Give an envelope to Durr.

11. Why does the Judge release the jury early for the day?
(a) The plaintiff lawyers asked for this to happen.
(b) He needs to hear some motions.
(c) He has an appointment for the day.
(d) Easter requested that it end early today.

12. Why does the jury refuse to come out of the jury room when Dell calls them?
(a) They don't want their bags being searched.
(b) They want the judge to listen to them.
(c) They don't want to be sequestered.
(d) They are tired of being watched and followed.

13. What profession does Millie Dupree's husband do?
(a) Owns a cigarette outlet.
(b) Owns his own grocery store.
(c) Owns a real estate agency.
(d) Owns a tobacco farm.

14. Why does the judge continue to dismiss people from the courtroom as the scene shifts to the courtroom?
(a) Inability to complete the questionaires.
(b) Medical reasons.
(c) Arguments among each other.
(d) Lawyer complaints.

15. How many of the jurors' medical records was Fitch able to secure?
(a) 5 out of 12.
(b) 7 out of 12.
(c) 3 out of 12.
(d) 11 out of 12.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Marlee tell Rohr's secretary to do?

2. What does Fitch make sure that Jankle does not have access to?

3. What does Easter do that has Stella share what happened to her while she was in Miami?

4. What were the investigators able to track down in regards to the past of Marlee and Easter?

5. What did Marlee do as a joke when she was meeting Easter?

(see the answer keys)

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