Rumble Fish Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rumble Fish Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Biff want to meet Rusty-James?
(a) At school.
(b) A vacant lot behinid the pet store.
(c) An alley behind the pet store.
(d) At his house.

2. Why does Steve not show up for math class?
(a) Steve's father is sick.
(b) Steve goes on vacation.
(c) Steve is sick.
(d) Steve's mother has a stroke.

3. Why does Rusty-James not want to talk about the good old days?
(a) He hates them.
(b) He cannot remember them.
(c) He misses them.
(d) He does not think they are good days.

4. What scares Rusty-James about Motorcycle Boy?
(a) His attitude.
(b) His smile.
(c) His language
(d) His presence.

5. Why does Rusty-James slam his fist onto the table?
(a) He is angry about Steve's comments.
(b) He is upset about Motorcycle Boy's being gone.
(c) He is angry about fighting Biff.
(d) He has a headache.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Rusty-James' father and Motorcycle Boy sometimes do that Rusty-James wishes they would not do?

2. What does Rusty-James do at lunch with Smokey and B.J.?

3. When Rusty-James wakes up after passing out, who does he find at home reading a book?

4. To what is Rusty-James referring when he says, "...Just one...I like to keep things simple, and God knows even one can be complicated enough."

5. In Chapter 5, what worries Rusty-James when he arrives home after being out all night?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Rusty-James like the ocean?

2. Why does Rusty-James resent Steve's presence on the beach?

3. Why does Rusty-James not understand that Patty is mad that he fooed around with another girl at the lake?

4. Why does Steve worry about everyone coming to witness the fight between Rusty-James and Biff?

5. What angers Rusty-James when the others begin talking about Motorcycle Boy?

6. What is the significance of Rusty-James' paying back money he has borrowed?

7. In Chapter 10, why does Rusty-James think that Patty still loves him?

8. How does Rusty-James settle his problems?

9. Why does Smokey believe he would be president of a gang and Rusty-James would be a lieutenant?

10. What does Motorcycle Boy mean when he tells Steve, "loyalty is his only vice?"

(see the answer keys)

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