The Rose Tattoo Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rose Tattoo Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Serafina start to arrange on the tray?
(a) Fruit.
(b) Cutlery.
(c) Plates.
(d) Wine glasses.

2. What is Rosa making plans to do?
(a) Go to a concert.
(b) Go on holiday.
(c) Go on a picnic.
(d) Find some drugs.

3. What does Alvaro's hair smell of?
(a) Rose oil.
(b) Sweat.
(c) Petrol.
(d) Olive oil.

4. Where does Rosa fall asleep?
(a) Her bed.
(b) The bathroom.
(c) The couch.
(d) The kitchen.

5. Who does Alvaro say works at the Square Roof?
(a) Rosa.
(b) Assunta.
(c) Estelle.
(d) Jack.

6. What kind of watch did Serafina buy for Rosa?
(a) A Swiss.
(b) A Timex.
(c) A Bulova.
(d) A Donova.

7. Who approaches the house at the beginning of this scene?
(a) Father de Leo.
(b) Rosa.
(c) Jack.
(d) Estelle.

8. What was the part of Alvaro that did not not remind Serafina of Rosario?
(a) His hair.
(b) His legs.
(c) His hands.
(d) His face.

9. Who is calling Serafina?
(a) Alvaro.
(b) Rosario.
(c) Rosa.
(d) Father de Leo.

10. Where does Rosa say she will meet Jack?
(a) His parent's house.
(b) At the railway sation.
(c) At the Greyhound station.
(d) At the car lot.

11. When does Rosa return to the house?
(a) Midnight.
(b) Dusk.
(c) Lunch time.
(d) Dawn.

12. What does Serafina treat Alvaro like?
(a) A stranger.
(b) A husband.
(c) A criminal.
(d) A rapist.

13. What does Serafina say a woman can be strong like?
(a) A man.
(b) A President.
(c) A wall.
(d) A lion.

14. What does Serafina say she feels burning on her chest?
(a) A bluebell.
(b) A rose.
(c) Rosario's ashes.
(d) Thorns.

15. What does Serafina throw at Alvaro?
(a) A knife.
(b) A plate.
(c) A tea kettle.
(d) A book.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Alvaro chop for Serafina's head?

2. What kind of ring did Alvaro give his fiance?

3. Where does Serafina go when she sees Alvaro's rose tattoo?

4. Who does Rosa say her mother is dreaming of?

5. What kind of tattoo does Alvaro have?

(see the answer keys)

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