The Rose Tattoo Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rose Tattoo Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Estelle carrying a bouquet of?
(a) Roses.
(b) Coronations.
(c) Fox gloves.
(d) Blue bells.

2. What two cities is the play's setting located between?
(a) Houston and Dallas.
(b) New York and New Jersey.
(c) Los Angeles and San Francisco.
(d) New Orleans and Mobile.

3. What is the name of the woman who comes to the house in this scene?
(a) Lauren.
(b) Petra.
(c) Phylis.
(d) Estelle.

4. What are people in New Orleans dropping out of windows?
(a) Pillows.
(b) Paper bags filled with water.
(c) Balloons filled with water.
(d) Parachutes.

5. What does Rose have tied around her wrist?
(a) A rag.
(b) A hankerchief.
(c) A piece of rope.
(d) A piece of string.

6. What is the name of Serafina's husband?
(a) Davis.
(b) Rosario.
(c) Cooper.
(d) Paul.

7. What does Flora say Rosario was smuggling under the bananas?
(a) Criminals.
(b) Dope.
(c) Guns.
(d) Immigrant.

8. What does Assunta say her powder will do to Serafina's husband?
(a) Make him fall in love.
(b) Make him more potent.
(c) Make him do the housework.
(d) Make him work harder.

9. Which of the characters is dead?
(a) Rosa.
(b) Rebecca.
(c) Assunta.
(d) Rosario.

10. What is Assunta's job?
(a) A dressmaker.
(b) An herbalist.
(c) A cook.
(d) A nurse.

11. Who pulled Rose away from the window?
(a) Serafina.
(b) Jack.
(c) Rosario.
(d) Estelle.

12. How does Serafina think her daughter has hurt herself?
(a) Sliced her eye.
(b) Slit her wrists.
(c) Slit her throat.
(d) Stabbed her knee.

13. What happened to Rosario's body when his vehicle crashed?
(a) It was burned.
(b) It was thrown onto the road.
(c) It was crushed.
(d) It was split in half.

14. What does Serafina ask the group not to do?
(a) Come in.
(b) Sit down.
(c) Speak.
(d) Cry.

15. Who is Father de Leo talking to at the beginning of the scene?
(a) Serafina.
(b) A doctor.
(c) A nurse.
(d) Assunta.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who did Rose want Peppina to call?

2. What color is the cottage wallpaper?

3. What is the little boy playing with?

4. Why does Father de Leo not want Rosario's body to be cremated?

5. How did Rosario die?

(see the answer keys)

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