The Song of Roland Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 84 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Song of Roland Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 84 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Turpin try to do before he collapses?
(a) Convert the remaining Saracens
(b) Pray
(c) Fetch water
(d) Revive Roland

2. The Saracens fear that if Charlemagne saves Roland, they will lose what item(s)?
(a) Their horses
(b) Ownership of Spain
(c) Their lives
(d) Their king

3. Where does Charlemagne take Bromimonde?
(a) Prison in Saragossa
(b) To the guillotine
(c) Spanish Pass
(d) Aix

4. Roland's second call to Charlemagne denotes what?
(a) Victory
(b) A battle cry
(c) Roland's death
(d) Cry for help

5. What occurrence happens to Charlemagne once again?
(a) Prophetic dreams
(b) Fear of failure
(c) Breaks his spear
(d) Abandonment of top soldiers

6. How many people came to tend to Alda?
(a) 7
(b) 12
(c) 4
(d) 2

7. Which vital member of Marsile's troops does Roland kill?
(a) Carlon
(b) Bevon
(c) Jursaleu
(d) Marsile

8. Who watches over Charlemagne as the king sleeps?
(a) Saracens
(b) Angels
(c) Roland's spirit
(d) Naimon

9. What causes the Saracens to bow their heads as they head into battle?
(a) Preparation for death
(b) Baligant's death
(c) Muslim prayer
(d) To gain strength

10. Who was not at the front of the battle formation?
(a) Count Oger
(b) Duke of Trace
(c) Danish chief
(d) Tedbald of Reims

11. How does Alda die?
(a) She drinks poison
(b) Falls on Roland's sword
(c) From a broken heart
(d) She is trampled by horses

12. What body part of Marsile's does Roland amputate?
(a) Hand
(b) Arm
(c) Foot
(d) Head

13. Who tells Charlemagne to pull it together?
(a) Angel
(b) Soldier
(c) Noble
(d) Priest

14. What happens to Ganelon after Charlemagne goes to help Roland?
(a) He goes after Charlemagne
(b) He is killed
(c) He is arrested
(d) He gets away

15. Who are asked to replace Roland and Oliver?
(a) Rabel and Guineman
(b) Naimon and Gautier
(c) Gebuins and Lorains
(d) Neims and Jozerans

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Neims' title?

2. Who is not among the French soldiers still alive?

3. What does Baligant promise his soldiers if they win?

4. How does Charlemagne react to finding Roland?

5. Roland is intent on breaking what item?

(see the answer keys)

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