The Song of Roland Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 84 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Song of Roland Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 84 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Charlemagne do in the very last stanza?
(a) Weeps
(b) Rides off to war
(c) Sleeps
(d) Dies

2. Who are asked to replace Roland and Oliver?
(a) Gebuins and Lorains
(b) Naimon and Gautier
(c) Neims and Jozerans
(d) Rabel and Guineman

3. Marsile tells Baligant that unless he helps, Marsile will be forced to...
(a) Convert to Christianity
(b) Kill Baligant's family
(c) Fight alone
(d) Surrender to England

4. What does the Saracen try to steal from Roland?
(a) Money
(b) Shoes
(c) Horse
(d) Sword

5. What is Charlemagne's battle cry?
(a) Mon Dieu!
(b) Sacre Bleu!
(c) Montjoy!
(d) Onward!

6. What adorns Baligant's shield?
(a) Human bones
(b) Mud
(c) Sapphires
(d) Crystal

7. Who appears to Roland in the night?
(a) Jesus
(b) His father
(c) Gabriel
(d) Roland

8. What word does Baligant use to describe Charlemagne?
(a) Ruthless
(b) Powerless
(c) Fierce
(d) Foolish

9. The new generals are given what objects?
(a) Blessings from the archbishop
(b) Charlemagne's gold
(c) Sword and horn
(d) Pieces of Roland's armor

10. Who kills Malprimis?
(a) Charlemagne
(b) Naimon
(c) One of the Saracen deputies
(d) His horse

11. What word does Charlemagne use against the governors?
(a) Beleaguered
(b) Traitor
(c) Repentent
(d) Loyal

12. Which vital member of Marsile's troops does Roland kill?
(a) Carlon
(b) Marsile
(c) Bevon
(d) Jursaleu

13. The Saracens fear that if Charlemagne saves Roland, they will lose what item(s)?
(a) Their king
(b) Their horses
(c) Their lives
(d) Ownership of Spain

14. What does Baligant promise his soldiers if they win?
(a) Medals of honor
(b) A place in heaven
(c) Brave children
(d) Beautiful wives

15. How does Charlemagne react to finding Roland?
(a) Relieved
(b) Collapses in grief
(c) Angry
(d) Rejoices

Short Answer Questions

1. How many slain generals are blessed by Turpin?

2. After Charlemagne's call, how many Saracens attack Turpin and Roland?

3. Roland is intent on breaking what item?

4. What does Turpin try to do before he collapses?

5. What does Baligant promise to avenge?

(see the answer keys)

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