River God Test | Final Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

River God Test | Final Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why are Lord Nembet and most of his men killed by the Hyksos?
(a) The men were poor archers.
(b) Lord Nembet laughed at Tanus's warning letter.
(c) Lord Nembet had not trained them well.
(d) The men were sailors not warriors.

2. How does Pharaoh react to the accusations of Lord Intef's guilt?
(a) He gives Lord Intef one year to prove himself innocent.
(b) He wavers, wanting the accusations to be false.
(c) He condemns Lord Intef immediately.
(d) He forgives Lord Intef after only a few moments.

3. What gift does Taita leave on Tanus's coffin before the tomb is sealed?
(a) The blue sword.
(b) His bow Lanata.
(c) A statue of Lostris.
(d) A carving of Tanus's likeness.

4. How is Tanus injured in the first elephant hunt?
(a) He is struck by another warrior's arrow.
(b) His chariot loses a wheel.
(c) The elephant's trunk strikes his chariot.
(d) He loses his balance and falls out of the chariot.

5. When some passengers are reluctant to travel south into Africa, where do they disembark?
(a) At Thebes.
(b) At the first cataract.
(c) At the southern border.
(d) At Elephantine Island.

6. How are the Hyksos a backward people, according to Taita?
(a) They serve savage gods.
(b) Their women are treated like slaves.
(c) They cannot read or write.
(d) Their means of warfare are primitive.

7. When some Egyptians want to leave the caravan ships traveling south, what does Queen Lostris do?
(a) Throws them overboard.
(b) Offers to put them ashore for the Hyksos to find and capture.
(c) Imprisons them in the ships' holds.
(d) Cuts their tongues out so they can no longer grumble.

8. How does Lord Intef escape his execution with the Shrike barons?
(a) He poisons the guards and slips out a secret passageway.
(b) He buys his own life with half of his treasure.
(c) He pleads with Pharaoh for mercy.
(d) He argues that his execution will tarnish his daughter's reputation forever.

9. At the place where the two rivers meet, why is Taita not content?
(a) He is uneasy to extend Egyptian power this far.
(b) He wants to continue traveling.
(c) He is impatient to return to Thebes.
(d) He is not convinced this is the proper burial place for Pharaoh.

10. What proves that Lord Intef owned the chests of treasure hidden in his palace?
(a) The fact that they were hidden in his palace.
(b) The hidden passageway to his rooms.
(c) His ring seal on the locks.
(d) None of the answers is correct.

11. When Taita works the Mazes of Ammon-Ra to receive guidance about the Hyksos problem, how does his vision begin?
(a) With a long green snake.
(b) With a forest of crowned trees.
(c) With the sound of thunder.
(d) With the goddess Hapi.

12. What is the constant problem with the first chariots?
(a) The horses are scared of them.
(b) The chariots are very heavy.
(c) The men cannot drive the horses.
(d) The wheels fall off.

13. After he is captured by Arkoun, why is Taita revered?
(a) He gives them all the gold he was carrying.
(b) He demonstrates his medical skill on his own arrow wound.
(c) He can speak their language, which is simple.
(d) He shows them maps of the Nile, which they could not draw.

14. What crude surgery does Taita perform to save the horses stricken with the gnu illness?
(a) Cuts a slit in their sides so the pus does not reach their lungs.
(b) Cuts out their tongues so they do not swallow them and choke.
(c) Cuts a hole in their windpipes and inserts a straw.
(d) Slits their nostrils so they can breathe.

15. What happens when the elephants are first injured?
(a) They soon lose their will to live.
(b) They lose a lot of blood and become weak.
(c) They become furious and destructive.
(d) They huddle together to protect each other.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Pharaoh give Lostris after she gives birth to a male heir?

2. How does Pharaoh spend the treasure he recovered from Lord Intef?

3. What idea of Tanus's is shot down in the military council?

4. Following the battle with the Hyksos, what did Tanus do that caused him great grief?

5. Who enticed the Hyksos to attack Thebes with promises of treasure?

(see the answer keys)

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