River God Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

River God Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 194 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color does Lostris wear to prove she is a virgin bride?
(a) Red like fine wine.
(b) Gold like the sun.
(c) White like a pure heart.
(d) Blue like water lilies.

2. During her feast to celebrate Taita, what gift does Lostris try to give him?
(a) His freedom.
(b) New physician's tools.
(c) Three new slave boys.
(d) His own house apart from hers.

3. Why does Lostris want to drink poison on her wedding night?
(a) So she can die and stop existing.
(b) To become ill so Pharaoh will pay more attention to her.
(c) So she can die and wait for Tanus on the other side.
(d) So she can become sick and delay going to Pharaoh's bed.

4. What hunt do Taita and Lostris attend with Pharaoh before the windstorm strikes?
(a) Elephant hunt.
(b) Crocodile hunt.
(c) Gazelle hunt.
(d) Leopard hunt.

5. When Tanus disappeared, to whom did he hand over his squadron and Pharaoh's seal?
(a) Taita.
(b) Kratas.
(c) Lord Intef.
(d) Safaga.

6. Why is Taita called the Elder Brother in the slave quarters?
(a) He looks out for all new slaves who are brought to the palace.
(b) He cares for young slave boys after Lord Intef sleeps with them.
(c) He cares for young slave girls after Lord Intef sleeps with them.
(d) He cares for Lord Intef's wives during their many pregnancies.

7. How do the soldiers respond when Tanus orders them to put on the dresses of slave girls?
(a) They refuse until they know why.
(b) They laugh and protest.
(c) They treat the moment like a game.
(d) They refuse until Tanus threatens them.

8. How did Lostris first gain her knowledge of the outdoors?
(a) By studying long hours with Taita.
(b) By hunting with her father.
(c) By asking Tanus many questions after he went hunting.
(d) By tagging along with Tanus and Taita on their hunts.

9. Why is Taita nervous about the pageant at the end of the festival?
(a) He wrote a new script to replace the thousand-year-old version.
(b) He must direct the play.
(c) Lostris has not learned her lines properly.
(d) He is playing the main role of Horus.

10. What gives Taita the right to speak sharply to Tanus when he and Lostris board the Breath of Horus?
(a) He was once Tanus's tutor.
(b) Tanus was rude to him first.
(c) Tanus is a lowly soldier.
(d) He is Tanus's cousin.

11. Why was Taita made a eunuch when he was sixteen?
(a) He had refused to sacrifice to Lord Intef's favorite god.
(b) He had been unfaithful to Lord Intef and slept with a slave girl.
(c) He had stolen several jewels from Lord Intef's treasury.
(d) He had attempted to escape from the palace.

12. Why is Tanus's speech a surprise to his whole audience, especially Taita?
(a) He repeatedly blames Pharaoh for the nation's problems.
(b) He praises his own god rather than Pharaoh's chosen god.
(c) He does not mention any modern problems or solutions.
(d) He boldly names all the problems rampaging through Egypt.

13. How does Lostris treat the common people in the city?
(a) She treats them with respect but from a distance.
(b) She takes advantage of them as her subjects.
(c) She does not even look at them when she rides through the streets.
(d) She brings them food and visits with them.

14. Why did Taita help Tanus enter the army?
(a) Tanus had only wanted to join the army.
(b) No rich man would sponsor his education.
(c) Taita could not afford to pay for his education.
(d) Tanus did not want to continue his schooling.

15. Though Taita is an accomplished physician, what part of the human anatomy still confuses him (pg 88)?
(a) The lungs.
(b) The brain.
(c) The veins.
(d) The heart.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lostris ask from her father for a wedding gift?

2. Why does Taita help a shrieking woman at the riverside?

3. Why do the Shrikes lose the battle?

4. Why does Taita conduct Pharaoh's tours of his treasuries?

5. To what army regiment does Tanus belong?

(see the answer keys)

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