Riptide Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Riptide Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Neidelman and his crew empty the treasure vault, what does Hatch see happening to himself?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Being held hostage.
(c) Drowning.
(d) Being murdered.

2. Who calls the crew at the Water Pit and tells them there is a problem within the Water Pit?
(a) St. John.
(b) Streeter.
(c) Bonterre.
(d) Neidelman.

3. What does Hatch see when he makes it to shore in Chapter 49?
(a) Cerberus.
(b) Fire.
(c) Search light.
(d) Plain Jane.

4. In Chapter 44, who is Hatch tending to?
(a) Woody Clay.
(b) Christopher St. John.
(c) Donny Truitt.
(d) Isobelle Banterra.

5. What does Hatch tell Neidelman he believes about St. Micheal's sword?
(a) The sword is lucky.
(b) The sword is beautiful.
(c) The sword is cursed.
(d) The sword is dangerous.

6. Who does Hatch show the skeletons to for a second opinion?
(a) Professor Horn.
(b) Bonterre.
(c) Neidelman.
(d) St. John.

7. Where does the research come from in the documents Hatch studies?
(a) Spain.
(b) Germany.
(c) Italy.
(d) France.

8. From what location does Hatch watch the flotilla?
(a) His home.
(b) His office.
(c) His boat.
(d) The Cerberus.

9. What color is the blade of St. Michael's Sword?
(a) Green.
(b) Purple.
(c) Blue.
(d) Black.

10. Who does Hatch receive an email from in Chapter 39?
(a) Claire.
(b) Professor Horn.
(c) The Marguessa.
(d) His mother.

11. What is beneath the tarp with Hatch in Chapter 49?
(a) Skeletons.
(b) Dirt.
(c) Rocks.
(d) Boulders.

12. What is the only common element of all the pirates who died of different diseases based on the results?
(a) Low white blood count.
(b) High white blood count.
(c) Low red blood count.
(d) High red blood count.

13. Who joins Hatch while he paints in Chapter 38?
(a) St. John.
(b) Neidelman.
(c) Bonterre.
(d) Clay.

14. Who is the Ragged Island crew waiting for that will arrive the next day at the Water Pit?
(a) Coroner.
(b) Insurance adjuster.
(c) Neidelman.
(d) Wopner's replacement.

15. What does Woody Clay reveal during one of his sermons?
(a) God wlll protect those who try to find the treasure.
(b) He is related to Simon Rutter.
(c) God will not protect those who try to find the treasure.
(d) Stone stored in the church basement.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is inside a dusty wardrobe cabinet in Hatch's attic?

2. When Rankin and Bonterre are taking readings with the Radmeter, who walked in on them?

3. When Bonterre makes it to shore safely, who does she look for?

4. After examining skeletons, what does Hatch determine they suffered from?

5. Whom does Neidelman mention as possibly sabotaging the computers?

(see the answer keys)

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